Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Questions

April 30th, 2024

AC2101: Accounting Recognition and Measurement Assignment, NTU, Singapore: If NTU-C were to record the abovementioned transactions on 31 January, 28 February and 15 March 20×2

NTU Cooperative (“NTU-C”) adopts a 31 December financial year-end. On 1 January 20x2, NTU-C launched a student loyalty program where every 10-dollar sale entitled students…

April 26th, 2024

CC0003: Ethics and civics in a multicultural world Assignment, NTU, Singapore: Multiculturalism has made important contributions to the development of a mature society

Multiculturalism has made important contributions to the development of a mature society but careful navigation of sensitive issues, such as microaggressions and discrimination, must be…

April 25th, 2024

Cybersecurity Capstone projects Other, NTU, Singapore: Identify at least 1 risk related to the incident that will affect a company’s cybersecurity goal

Project Requirements 1. Research on at least 1 recent security incident affecting the financial the services sector in Singapore. a. Identify at least 1 risk…

April 16th, 2024

Introduction to Programing using Java Assignment, NTU, Singapore: Create a class named BloodData that includes fields that hold a blood type (the four blood types are O, A, B, and AB)

Question 3 a) Create a class named BloodData that includes fields that hold a blood type (the four blood types are O, A, B, and…

April 16th, 2024

Introduction to Programing using Java Assignment, NTU, Singapore: To make telephone numbers easier to remember, some companies use letters to show their telephone number

Question 2 (a) To make telephone numbers easier to remember, some companies use letters to show their telephone number. For example, using letters, the telephone…

April 16th, 2024

Introduction to Programing using Java Assignment, NTU, Singapore: Write a program that reads a string from the keyboard and tests whether it contains a valid date

Question 1 Write a program that reads a string from the keyboard and tests whether it contains a valid date. Display the date and a…

April 8th, 2024

CW10017: Leadership and organisation Essay, NTU, Singapore: Do you think business leadership styles have evolved significantly in the last 50 years?

The title of the assignment... CWw1 Do you think business leadership styles have evolved significantly in the last 50 years? Demonstrate your viewpoint by critically…

April 8th, 2024

Fundamental of Computer Systems Assignment, NTU, Singapore: You are required to write a C programme that keeps the score of a golf game for 1 player

Part A 1. Using the appropriate methods taught in class, please follow the instructions to complete Table 1.(a) Convert the decimal number to hexadecimal.(b) Convert…

April 8th, 2024

Auditing Assignment, NTU, Singapore: Enron was one of the largest audit scandals in recent times that led to a tightening of global audit regulation

Question 1 Enron was one of the largest audit scandals in recent times that led to a tightening of global audit regulation. Discuss the main…

April 5th, 2024

Educational Enquiry Research Paper, NTU, Singapore: What is the educational significance of the problem discussed?

Problem• What is the problem area and/or research question(s)?• What is the educational significance of the problem discussed?• What are the constructs, and variables of…

March 29th, 2024

CVE1222: Structural Analysis 1 Coursework, NTU, Singapore: A truss is loaded with two point forces at its joints, as shown in Fig. 4. Use the Method of Joints

PART 4: PLANAR TRUSS ANALYSIS A truss is loaded with two point forces at its joints, as shown in Fig. 4. Use the Method of…

March 29th, 2024

Accounting info system Report, NTU, Singapore: Client sourcing and inquiry ACEPL’s clients are mainly property developers, main contractors

Make a flowchart based on these processes: 2.1.1 Client sourcing and inquiry ACEPL’s clients are mainly property developers, main contractors for Design and Build (D&B)…
