September 7th, 2024

HFSY217: Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning, TMA (Tutor-Marked Assignment), SUSS

Question 1 Based on the industrial visit, carry out an individual academic study into your observations and assessment of the facilities’ emergency preparedness and response…

Tags:- HFSY217 SUSS HFSY217: TMA
August 3rd, 2024

HFSY217: Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning, Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Apply the emergency management principles and concepts to lead workplace emergency planning

Question 1 This end-of-course project aims to gauge your ability to (1) apply the emergency management principles and concepts to lead workplace emergency planning; (2)…

October 21st, 2023

HFSY217 Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Facility 1, Emergency Authority: SCDF Banyan Fire Station (SCDF/BYFS)

Question 1 Based on the industrial visit, carry out an individual academic study into your observations and assessment of the facilities’ emergency preparedness and response…