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Supply chain Report NUS, Singapore DHL has taken proactive steps to tackle rising fuel prices and enhance fuel efficiency throughout its logistics operations
University National University of Singapore (NUS)
Subject Supply chain
Posted on: 1st Sep 2023

Supply chain Report NUS, Singapore DHL has taken proactive steps to tackle rising fuel prices and enhance fuel efficiency throughout its logistics operations

Rising Fuel Prices

DHL has taken proactive steps to tackle rising fuel prices and enhance fuel efficiency throughout its logistics operations. These efforts include optimizing their vehicle and aircraft fleet for improved fuel economy, adopting advanced route planning techniques to minimize distances traveled, and deploying fuel consumption monitoring technologies.

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To further reduce their dependence on traditional fossil fuels and align with sustainability goals, DHL has explored various alternative fuel options. This includes considering biofuels, electric vehicles (EVs), and hybrid vehicles, which offer greener alternatives and help mitigate the impact of increasing fuel costs.

Streamlining their supply chain is another key strategy for DHL. They focus on eliminating unnecessary transportation steps, optimizing warehouse locations, and refining distribution networks. These measures effectively reduce fuel consumption and associated costs.

Collaborating closely with customers plays a vital role in achieving fuel efficiency. DHL actively collaborates with clients to identify opportunities for improving supply chain efficiency, which leads to reduced fuel consumption and costs for both parties

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