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PSS221: Urban Security and Resilience Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Develop your “elevator pitch” to describe MCR 2030. Include at least five important points about the MCR 2030
University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject PSS221 Urban Security and Resilience
Posted on: 31st Aug 2023

PSS221: Urban Security and Resilience Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Develop your “elevator pitch” to describe MCR 2030. Include at least five important points about the MCR 2030

Question 1
a) Develop your “elevator pitch” to describe MCR 2030. Include at least five important points about the MCR 2030.
b) Analyse the performance of your city based on the elements of the UNDRR 10 Essentials.
This should include an overview of the framework, your “grade” for each element (poor, fair, good, or excellent) as well as justification for your assessment.
c) Formulate an outline of a plan to address the gaps in or determine how to improve performance. The outline should, at a minimum, address the five milestones for the UNDER strategic plan. Describe your approach for each

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