GSP179: Abstract Art Appreciation Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Produce abstract summary by drawing major theoretical perspectives/insights drawn upon the mentioned Deng ZongYi Ch7_TeachLessLearnMoreLostinTranslation
Part 1:
Produce 130 words abstract summary by drawing major theoretical perspectives/insights drawn upon the mentioned below:
1. Deng ZongYi Ch7_TeachLessLearnMoreLostinTranslation
2. Deng and Gopi 2016_PISA and high-performing education systems
3. Hogan_Whither TLLM_v1.1
4. Dennis: Policy and pedagogical reforms in Singapore Taking stock, moving forward
5. THF-Workshop-Report-No-6 The PPT slides attached state some directions but please investigate in-depth theoretical perspectives land insights.
Part 2:
Re-produce the PPT slides with the speaker’s note to an in-depth analysis presentation in accordance with Part 1. Should be in 4 parts:
1. Deng ZongYi Ch7_TeachLessLearnMoreLostinTranslation & Deng and Gopi
2016_PISA and high-performing education systems
2. Hogan_Whither TLLM_v1.1
3. Dennis: Policy and pedagogical reforms in Singapore Taking stock, moving forward
4. THF-Workshop-Report-No-6
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