Police & Security Studies Assignment, TP, Singapore: The Project Requires Students To Prepare A Protection Plan For A Proposed Development Based On The Current Security Environment
University | Temasek Polytechnic (TP) |
DPSS Security Project- Individual Assignment
This security project is an individual assignment.
1. The project requires students to prepare a protection plan for a proposed development based on the current security environment.
2. A description of the proposed development is attached – See Annex A.
3. A total of 2 sessions have been allocated for this security project. In the 1st session, students will be briefed on the project requirements. The session shall also provide an opportunity for students to clarify any points they may have regarding the project requirements. Students will also be required to submit an outline of the assets they have identified; the list of credible site-specific threat scenarios; and the concept of protection.
4. In the 2nd session, students will be given an opportunity to consult and verify any queries they may have as they prepare their report properly. A word limit of 4,000 words is set to ensure students prepare a concise report.
5. This project carries a weightage of 50 marks (50%) as part of the overall assessment for this module
6. A list of the project assignment rules is attached for strict compliance by the students.
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Security Project – Proposed Development
1. The Singapore government intends to set-up a new Embassy in Indonesia as the previous premises’ poses considerable security challenges. The presence of Jemaah Islamiyah operatives; discovery of self-radicalized individuals; returned fighters and sympathizers of the IS militants in the region; and past / recent bombings is making the construction of the new Embassy even more pressing.
2. The new Embassy will be situated in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta fringing one of the many rivers/waterways. The plot of land allocated for the development measures 300m by 200m. The site will house a 4-storey Admin Block; a 2-storey Ambassador’s Residence; and single-storey Accommodation Block for 10 key staff of the Embassy from Singapore. The site is dominated by the high-rise hotels; office buildings and fringed by major public roads.
3. The Ambassador has indicated his preference for a large garden and open-air swimming pool within the compound to host official functions and VIP guests. The architects have planned to have a 2m high ornamental fence; 1.8m high decorative swing gates at the perimeter fence; clear glass facade to have a clear view of the surrounding park, river and palm trees.
4. You have been engaged based on your expert knowledge of security conditions in the region to advise the project team comprising of architects, structural engineers and interior designers on the security requirements that should be emplaced to ensure the safety and security of the occupants and premises. The security measures must be in harmony with the design intent of friendly and secure Embassy premises of a popular government.
6. The project requirements are as follows: –
(i). Risk assessment for the development i.e. assets, threats, probability of occurrence, impact and consequences.
(ii). Concept of protection for development i.e. the proposed layout and security strategies to manage threats during normal periods and periods of increased risk. This should cover the specific requirements/recommendations for the following: –
- Adjacent areas
- Perimeter of site
- Building perimeter including a glass facade
- Vital and restricted areas – zoning and access control measures for Embassy proper including the Admin Block; Ambassador and Staff residences and the common area i.e. garden, and pool area for hosting official functions.
- Security systems and means including the proposed location of the Security Control Room (SCR)
- Security manpower, and list procedures and contingency plans
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