Find Solved Questions for Different Singapore Universities

Managing Business Assignment, SMU, Singapore Shopee was first launched in 2015 as an online shopping portal. Over the scope of time, it managed to expand its online business

Learning Outcomes: Evaluate the differing management styles and levels of management decision-making within an organization. Critically analyze the strategic role and impact of management within an organization. Demonstrate self-awareness, openness, and sensitivity to diversity in terms of people, cultures, ethical…

September 25th, 2023 | SMU ASSESSMENT | SMU QUIZ

Health and Safety Management Practice Assignment, MDIS, Singapore Carry out a detailed analysis that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of health and safety culture

Learning Outcomes:- Understand what contributes to an effective health and safety culture and climate in an organization. Understand reasons for the effective management of health and safety. Be able to review organizational structures and practices relating to health and safety.…

September 25th, 2023 | MDIS ASSESSMENT | NURSING

Python Assignment, SMU, Singapore The IRR (intone] rate of return) is the interest rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows equal to 0 M

The IRR (intone] rate of return) is the interest rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows equal to 0 M a discounted cash flow analysis. Given cashflows C (where C. is the initial investment and…

September 25th, 2023 | SMU ASSESSMENT

AP0507: Principles of Cellular and Biomolecular Analysis Report, NU, Singapore TNF-alpha ELISA Practical Report Aim of this experiment: culture U937 cells, differentiate them with PMA

TNF-alpha ELISA Practical Report Aim of this experiment: culture U937 cells, differentiate them with PMA, stimulate them with a range of LPS conc. to make them secrete TNF-alpha. Then, detect the amount of TNF-alpha secreted using ELISA. cta_question_2

September 25th, 2023 | AP0507 NU | AP0507 REPORT

Global English Assignment, NTU, Singapore Explain two linguistic legacies of colonialism in the context of Singapore. Explain what you understand by ‘linguistic legacies

Explain two linguistic legacies of colonialism in the context of Singapore. Explain what you understand by 'linguistic legacies of colonialism' and debate their relevance in Singapore today. cta_question_1

September 25th, 2023 | NTU ASSESSMENT

Global English Assignment, NTU, Singapore Explain two linguistic legacies of colonialism in the context of Singapore. Explain what you understand by ‘linguistic legacies

Explain two linguistic legacies of colonialism in the context of Singapore. Explain what you understand by 'linguistic legacies of colonialism' and debate their relevance in Singapore today. cta_question_1

September 22nd, 2023 | NTU ASSESSMENT

Diversity in Child Development Case Study, MU, Singapore The 2002 British film, Bend It Like Beckham follows Jess, the daughter of an Indian family living in London

Learning Outcomes:- Develop an understanding of children's development and individual needs. Explain how individual differences can be created by social and other factors. Apply knowledge of how to cater to individual differences in classroom settings. The 2002 British film, Bend…

September 22nd, 2023 | MU CASE STUDY

BME107: Anatomy and Physiology Case Study, SUSS, Singapore Mr. T and Mr. B are mahjong buddies, admitted to Neuro-ICU with ischemic stroke. Hypothetically they have different arteries blocked due to embolism

Mr. T and Mr. B are mahjong buddies, admitted to Neuro-ICU with ischemic stroke. Hypothetically they have different arteries blocked due to embolism. Mr. T who is right-handed has left middle cerebral artery affected. Mr. B who is also right-handed…

September 22nd, 2023 | BME107 CASE STUDY | BME107 TMA

SH5109: Biostatistics and Epidemiology Essay, NUS, Singapore Review and reproduce the results statistical inference and hypothesis testing of 1 scientific paper in a topic of your interest

Review and reproduce the results statistical inference and hypothesis testing of 1 scientific paper in a topic of your interest. You need to find and select one that provides the data set required for the calculations. cta_question_2

September 22nd, 2023 | SH5109 ESSAY

Teaching and Learning in Clinical Practice Assignment, NUS, Singapore This assignment is meant to allow you to apply the knowledge of lesson planning for learners systematically

This assignment is meant to allow you to apply the knowledge of lesson planning for learners systematically, taking into consideration of various factors. You are expected to (a) develop a teaching and learning plan, and conduct the lesson in your…

September 22nd, 2023 | NUS INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT

Organizational Experience Report, RMIT, Singapore Development as a carbon trading hub: Singapore has proclaimed aspirations to become a carbon trading hub for Asia

Development as a carbon trading hub: Singapore has proclaimed aspirations to become a carbon trading hub for Asia, but whether the trading of carbon offsets correlates with real emission reductions is worth watching. "Singapore can play a critical role in…

September 22nd, 2023 | RMIT QUIZ | RMIT REPORT

Advanced Consolidation and Corporate Reporting Course Work, SUSS, Singapore On 1 January 20×5, P Ltd paid $330,000 to acquire 60% of the ordinary shares of S Ltd when the fair value of S Ltd

On 1 January 20x5, P Ltd paid $330,000 to acquire 60% of the ordinary shares of S Ltd when the fair value of S Ltd.'s identifiable net assets was represented by share capital of $200,000 comprising 200,000 ordinary shares and…

September 22nd, 2023 | SUSS TMA
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