Find Solved Questions for Different Singapore Universities

MGT552 Leading Through Digital Disruption Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Pick one industry you are familiar with, and examine the different types of disruption over the past 100 years.

Question 1 Pick one industry you are familiar with, and examine the different types of disruption over the past 100 years. Use as many course concepts as you can to describe the various disruptions, and finish by summarising where you…

HFS317 Risk Assessment and Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Carry out a review of the legislative requirement of risk assessment and management in Singapore.

Question 1 This tutor-marked assignment requires you to demonstrate learning in (1) the risk management requirements, (2) the organizing of risk management capability, and (3) the developing of risk management framework in workplaces. You are to apply your understanding of…

BUSM4551 Innovation Management Assignment, RMIT, Singapore: Explain the relationship between creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship

CLO1 Explain the relationship between creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship and how it impacts business growth, sustainability, and wealth creation CLO2 Investigate factors that inhibit creativity in individuals and innovation within teams and organizations, and recommend strategies and tactics to encourage…

Stroke Management in Singapore Assignment, SIT, Singapore: develop a more in-depth understanding of a part or an aspect of Singapore’s health system.

Aim The aim of this project is for students to develop a more in-depth understanding of a part or an aspect of Singapore’s health system. Students can choose to approach it from any aspect of the health system. For example,…

ICT338 Information Security Challenges in Smart Computing Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Samuel the system administrator has discovered malicious remote connection(s) activities while performing a routine check

Question 1 Samuel the system administrator has discovered malicious remote connection(s) activities while performing a routine check on his company web server’s log. He had retrieved a Wireshark capture of the malicious network activities for further investigation. Apply the use…

October 11th, 2023 | ICT338 SUSS | Security Assignment

ECON1064 Forecasting Assignment, RMIT, Singapore: Examine the plot and describe the issues that may arise using this time series data for forecasting.

Question 1 The below graph plots the daily prices of Gold over time. a) Examine the plot and describe the issues that may arise using this time series data for forecasting. Offer solutions to these issues. b) Offer a suitable…

October 10th, 2023 | ECON1064 RMIT | Forecasting Assignment

BPM303 Project Development and Finance Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Demonstrate your understanding of the sustainability efforts in the Singapore Construction industry.

Question 1 After obtaining the approval to redevelop the J mall into a 40-storey mixed development at Jurong East central site, the company would like to aim for the BCA Green Mark Platinum award for this new development. However, the…

BPM209 Cost Management for C&S Works Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Prepare a take-off list with the corresponding CEMS clauses and unit of measurement for measuring

Question 1 With reference to Figure Q1.1, (a) Prepare a take-off list with the corresponding CEMS clauses and unit of measurement for measuring the excavation and reinforced concrete work. (b) Apply measurement techniques to take off quantities for the excavation…

BCPD002 MBA Business Problem Solving Assignment, NIM, Singapore: Using the attached Excel template, Plot each initiative on a 2×2 matrix against the axes “Value” and “Ease”.

Assessment 1: Initiative Prioritisation and Analysis Planning for Wave Telecom 40% of the overall grade for the module Part 1 (70%) The team has created an issue tree and now needs to prioritize the initiatives. Carry out a detailed prioritization…

ICT246 Operating Systems Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Using Ubuntu OS, write and implement ONE (1) bash shell script (only one script should be written

Question  Implement system security and access control in the Linux operating system. Using Ubuntu OS, write and implement ONE (1) bash shell script (only one script should be written for the whole Question 3). Use the root account to execute…

ANL203 ANALYTICS FOR DECISION-MAKING Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Identify one (1) possible problem that can be addressed by analyzing the dataset and discuss the critical assumptions for potential analytics application.

Question 1 “Employment_GBA.csv” records the Graduate Employment Survey (GES), a collaborative effort among NTU, NUS, SMU, SIT (since 2014), SUTD (since 2015), and SUSS (since 2018) to conduct an annual survey of graduate employment conditions approximately six months after their…

ICT335 Cloud Computing Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Apply business economics to test your knowledge and understanding in evaluating a cloud provider and to formulate

1. Apply business economics to test your knowledge and understanding in evaluating a cloud provider and formulate the actual cost of hosting a website in a public cloud. Question Details: The organization that you are working in has decided to…

October 9th, 2023 | Cloud Computing Assignment | ICT335 SUSS
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