Find Solved Questions for Different Singapore Universities

PACC6008: Business Decision Making Assignment, UON, Singapore: This assessment is an individual task in which the student is required to write a report on a topic included in this paper.

Task: This assessment is an individual task in which the student is required to write a report on a topic included in this paper. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment requires you to understand: the population & sample, identify the…

BE313 Portfolio Analysis Other, UOE, Singapore: Discuss how a given investor chooses an optimal portfolio. Is this choice of portfolio always a diversified portfolio

QUESTION ONE This question concerns efficient portfolios and Markowitz Diversification. a. Discuss how a given investor chooses an optimal portfolio. Is this choice of portfolio always a diversified portfolio, or could it be a single asset? Explain your answer. b.…

October 21st, 2023 | BE313 UOE | Portfolio Analysis Other

Financial Accountability and Reporting Essay, SUSS, Singapore: Write 400 words in response to the following: There has been recent criticism about the lack of recognition

Write 400 words in response to the following: There has been recent criticism about the lack of recognition of intangible assets in companies’ financial statements. Discuss what changes, if any, you would make to the relevant accounting standard to overcome…

October 21st, 2023 | Financial Assignment | Reporting Essay

HRM358 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: The fast-food giant came up with several apologies and statements post this incident to neutralize the outrage expressed

Question 1 The fast-food giant came up with several apologies and statements post this incident to neutralize the outrage expressed by netizens about the insensitivity shown by McDonald’s staff towards Chui and her guide dog. Answer the following sub-questions based…

October 21st, 2023 | HRM358 SUSS | Workplace Assignment.

Business process and system Assignment Essay, NUS, Singapore: Focus on Pictonal representation (1 full-size A4 page hand drawn for B&M’s UK hybrid (online + physical store)

2.1 Rich Picture for B&M’s UK Hybrid Business Operations Focus on Pictonal representation (1 full-size A4 page hand drawn for B&M’s UK hybrid (online + physical store) business operations of all the processes. interactions. interconnections. communications between stakeholders e g.…

HFSY217 Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Facility 1, Emergency Authority: SCDF Banyan Fire Station (SCDF/BYFS)

Question 1 Based on the industrial visit, carry out an individual academic study into your observations and assessment of the facilities’ emergency preparedness and response planning. You are expected to examine the emergency plans, evacuation procedures, incident response procedures, and…

ICT239 Web Application Development TMA Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Analyze the NSR and specify FIVE (5) new requirements for the CRM system,

Question 1  Consider the following requirements, where (c), (d) and (e) are undesirable requirements: (a) Functional requirement (b) Non-functional requirement (c) Design directive (d) Implementation directive (e) Platitude Analyze the NSR and specify FIVE (5) new requirements for the CRM…

October 21st, 2023 | ICT239 SUSS | Tutor-Marked Assignments

HBC101 Understanding Contemporary Society: The Social And Behavioral Sciences Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Consider The Role And Position Of The Presidency In Singapore, Against The Backdrop Of A Deeper Understanding

This assignment requires you to consider the role and position of the presidency in Singapore, against the backdrop of a deeper understanding of the country’s statehood and government structure. a) With reference to the concept of the nation-state, briefly describe…

HS3225 Transition & Palliative Care Assignment, NYP, Singapore: Students are required to identify ONE (1) of the facilities available within your neighborhood that support care transition.

Instructions Students are required to identify ONE (1) of the facilities available within your neighborhood that support care transition. The report must include the following: ⦁ Choose ONE (1) of the facilities that you have identified within your neighborhood. ⦁…

Certificate In English Proficiency Essay, PSB Academy, Singapore: Singapore government is increasing the benefits for parents to have babies due to the pandemic situation.

Singapore government is increasing the benefits for parents to have babies due to the pandemic situation. Some people think this is essential to boost the birth rate which has been extremely low in Singapore; however, others believe more focus should…

Econometrics Assignment, RMIT, Singapore: Include a minimum of 5 (five) explanatory variables in the regression equation and provide a scatter plot

QUESTION 1 Please model the drivers of GDPpc using R: Include a minimum of 5 (five) explanatory variables in the regression equation and provide a scatter plot of your dependent and independent variables (5 scatter plots). (0.5 x 5 marks)…

FMT307 Energy Management and Audit Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: An energy audit was conducted for the water-cooled chiller air-conditioning system. Illustrate the following SIX (6) profile

Question 1 An energy audit was conducted for the water-cooled chiller air-conditioning system. Illustrate the following SIX (6) profile graphs using the raw data collected in ANNEX A. Describe each individual graph. (a) Cooling Load Profiles (b) Chiller Plant Efficiency…

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