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Tourism and hospitality law Assignment, MU, Singapore: Kevin is the owner of Fly-ties Pty Ltd. He has just built a large, state-of-the-art indoor skydiving arena.

ASSESSMENT QUESTION: Kevin is the owner of Flyties Pty Ltd. He has just built a large, state-of-the-art indoor skydiving arena. Kevin organizes a competition where entrants compete to see who can complete the most intricate aerial acrobatics whilst suspended in…

EC2065 Macroeconomics Other, UOL, Singapore: This course aims to bring you up to date with modern developments in macroeconomics

Aims and objectives This course aims to bring you up to date with modern developments in macroeconomics and to help you analyze the macroeconomic issues of the day. Learning outcomes At the end of the course having completed the essential…

October 25th, 2023 | EC2065 UOL | Macroeconomics Other

ICT340 Application Analysis and Design Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: The food ordering system is a convenient way for students and staff to order food.

Question 1 Question 1a Read the food ordering system requirements in the Appendix and submit answers to the following: Question 1a(i) Identify the Actors in the system. Question 1a(ii) Formulate a use case diagram to depict the food ordering system…

October 25th, 2023 | DESIGN ASSIGNMENT | ICT340 SUSS

MGMT500 Vulcan World Assignment, SMU, Singapore: Based on the materials covered during the course, pick one topic, most resonated

Course: Managing in a VUCA context Instructions for the Individual Essay In no more than 1000 words, address the following question: Based on the materials covered during the course, pick one topic, most resonated with you, and explain why it…

October 25th, 2023 | MGMT500 SMU | Vulcan World Assignment

BME359 Visualization and Image Analysis Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Use and integrate the knowledge gained and skills developed during your study

Project Guidelines The aim of this ECA assignment is to assess your ability to: • Use and integrate the knowledge gained and skills developed during your study of BME358 and BME359. • Appraise the developments in the area of visualization…

October 25th, 2023 | BME359 SUSS | Image Analysis Assignment

HFS371 Risk Assessment and Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: This end-of-course project aims to gauge your ability to (1) illustrate concepts of risk and risk management

Question 1 This end-of-course project aims to gauge your ability to (1) illustrate concepts of risk and risk management; (2) analyze risk perception and how this affects risk management; (3) examine the purpose and aims of risk control; (4) carry…

October 24th, 2023 | HFS371 SUSS | MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT

6WBS0031 Global marketing , ethics and culture and business strategy and. Business commercial awareness Course Work, SMU Academy, Singapore: In a team, produce an Infographic for Situational Analysis and STP for the purpose

Assignment Title: Global Marketing Plan Part 1 Description of the assignment, task, content, and structure: In a team, produce an Infographic for Situational Analysis and STP for the purpose of exporting a local product to a Foreign Country. Scenario: You…

GSBS6001 Managing Under Uncertainty Assignment, NUS, Singapore: Apply skills in locating, selecting, referencing, and interpreting appropriate academic sources

Alignment to Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Apply skills in locating, selecting, referencing, and interpreting appropriate academic sources to produce an annotated bibliography and essay. 2. Evaluate theories of decision-making. Assessment type: Written Assignment Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is…

October 24th, 2023 | GSBS6001 NUS | Uncertainty Assignment

BSE219 Introduction to Human Movement Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Prepare a presentation and convince the panel via a presentation of how the development

Question 1 Question 1 of TMA02 will be a group presentation during Session 5, 11 October 2023. Groups will be allocated on the day of the session. All groups will have 20 minutes to prepare their presentation. The topic of…

October 24th, 2023 | BSE219 SUSS | Human Movement Assignment

PSY354 Counselling Method Assignment, NUS, Singapore: Describe and explain one key concept, one therapeutic goal, and one technique

Assignment Counselling methods allows practitioners to consider the different applications to help client solve their issues. Select one of the counseling therapies taught in this module that you might adopt for your future practice. Part 1 Describe and explain one…

October 24th, 2023 | Counselling Method Assignment | PSY354 NUS

ACCT201 Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis Course Work, SMU, Singapore: GAR’s corporate strategy is to continually develop its capability in serving the growing global

Company Strategy and SWOT Analysis GAR’s corporate strategy is to continually develop its capability in serving the growing global demand for healthy and sustainably produced palm products, by leveraging its strengths as a leading technology-driven soil-to-table agribusiness. Our team believes…

PSY259 Personality and Individual Differences Research Paper, SUSS, Singapore: This ECA requires you to design and conduct a simple experiment that will be written up as a report.

Question 1 This ECA requires you to design and conduct a simple experiment that will be written up as a report. It will also include a short case study that you are to write. Your submission shall be marked holistically…

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