Find Solved Questions for Different Singapore Universities

Commercial Law Assignment, SMU, Singapore: Gillian, and in particular, outline the legal principles concerning Bella’s statement and possible implied terms

“The Wedding Gown World excludes all liability for any representations made on its behalf by sales/customer service executives in connection with any goods or services” 1. Advise Gillian, and in particular, outline the legal principles concerning Bella's statement and possible…

January 6th, 2024

315MKT Social Media And Online Reputation Course Work, SUTD, Singapore: Analyze The Key Concepts Of Social Media And Evaluate Their Evolution With Respect To Hardware and software

Assessment Information This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes: 1. Analyse the key concepts of Social Media and evaluate their evolution with respect to hardware, software, service provision, supply and as a medium for advertising and communication. 2. Critically…

Physical security Report, TP, Singapore: Security professionals are, of course, aware of the effect that lighting has in reducing criminal opportunity

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Security professionals are, of course, aware of the effect that lighting has in reducing criminal opportunity. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that various studies and experiments have recently been conducted that have documented this fact. In…

January 5th, 2024

CM3015 Mid-term coursework, NUS, Singapore: You are asked to apply at least two machine learning algorithms to a dataset or datasets of your choosing

This coursework is in the form of a mini project. You are asked to apply at least two machine learning algorithms to a dataset or datasets of your choosing. You will write your findings in a report. The report, written…

January 5th, 2024

Intelligent Signal Processing Course Work, NTU, Singapore: The second task consists of analyzing a group of suspicious audio files (Ex3_sound2.wav, Ex3_sound3.wav, and Ex3_sound4.wav)

Task 2 The second task consists of analyzing a group of suspicious audio files (Ex3_sound2.wav, Ex3_sound3.wav, and Ex3_sound4.wav), determining which one contains a four-number secret code. In this case, the spy has used a more sophisticated method. It seems he…

January 5th, 2024

Intelligent Signal Processing Course Work, NTU, Singapore: First, to evaluate your skills, you are asked to perform the following task. The DJ sends you three sounds

Task 1 First, to evaluate your skills, you are asked to perform the following task. The DJ sends you three sounds (Ex2_sound1.wav, Ex2_sound2.wav, and Ex2_sound3.wav) and you have to select Meyda audio features that could help represent these sounds visually…

January 5th, 2024

Physical Security Assignment, TP, Singapore: The concept of protection and security strategies to manage threats during normal periods and periods of increased risk

1. MHA has stated the security plan must include the following: 1.1 The concept of protection and security strategies to manage threats during normal periods and periods of increased risk. 1.2 The security plan should also provide specific requirements/recommendations for…

January 5th, 2024

279ACC Professional And Academic Competencies Assignment, NUS, Singapore: Participation in activities and Presentation on interviewing skills

Part 2: Participation in activities and Presentation on interviewing skills Assessment is based on the student’s participation in the group activities carried out in tutorial lessons and a presentation on interviewing skills as a job seeker. This presentation skill will…

BCEC002 Business Economics Assignment, TP, Singapore: Calculate the total fixed cost and total variable cost when he sold 100 cups of bubble tea

Question 5 (26 marks) Your friend did a projection on the cost of running the bubble tea business as follows: Calculate the total fixed cost and total variable cost when he sold 100 cups of bubble tea. Give an example…

Organizational Behaviour Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: You are required to critically analyze your own organization OR other organization that you are familiar with from an Organizational

Approximately  You are required to critically analyze your own organization OR another organization that you are familiar with from an Organizational Behavior perspective. Focus your analysis of a critical problem or issue(s) the organization is facing. You must use a…

January 3rd, 2024

Crisis Management Report, TP, Singapore: The crisis is your choice but should be agreed upon with the module leader in advance

Assignment: The assessment for this module takes the form of an individual assignment based on a detailed analysis of an actual crisis that really happened. The crisis is your choice but should be agreed upon with the module leader in…

January 3rd, 2024

International Business and Innovation Assignment, SIM, Singapore: Considering the multi-faceted drivers of FDI location choice (e.g. national level, industry level, and firm level)

Question Considering the multi-faceted drivers of FDI location choice (e.g. national level, industry level, and firm level), what location-specific advantages could IKEA exploit from India? (20 marks) Utilizing relevant analytical tools (e.g. Value chain, VRIN), critically analyze IKEA’s ownership advantages…

January 3rd, 2024
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