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COU102: Introduction to Counselling Tutor-Marked Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Explain clearly how the philosophy of Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) departs from the traditional counselling

Question 2 Explain clearly how the philosophy of Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) departs from the traditional counselling approaches that are problem-focused. Present an overview of SFT, clearly describing its key theoretical framework and assumptions. Identify the SIX (6) strategies used in…

March 28th, 2024

FIN207: Game Theory and Design Thinking Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Each student needs to choose an integer between 1-100 (including 1 and 100) to submit in this TMA

Question 2 This is a game for our class.Each student needs to choose an integer between 1-100 (including 1 and 100) to submit in this TMA, and then all the choices would be taken averaged. The aim of each participant…

March 28th, 2024

FIN207: Game Theory and Design Thinking Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Bob and Linda are playing a game. Suppose there are two wallets (A and B), and each wallet contains

Question 1 Bob and Linda are playing a game. Suppose there are two wallets (A and B), and each wallet contains 2-3 pieces of notes. Bob is responsible for picking out a wallet, and Linda is responsible for choosing one…

March 28th, 2024

ELG101: Discovering Language Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Examine the following conversation. Explain the word formation processes involved in the speaker’s

Question 1 Examine the following conversation. Explain the word formation processes involved in the speaker’s use of the underlined word. W: Hey Jennie! I will be there soon. Please wait for me! Jennie: Sure! No worries! I will kdrama first!…

March 28th, 2024

MTD220: User Experience (UX) Design and Web Technologies Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: The objective of this project assignment is to test the design thinking theory and related creation

Question 1 Project AssignmentThe objective of this project assignment is to test the design thinking theory and related creation and development skills for user experience design learned in the course MTD220. You will need to consider the project as the…

March 28th, 2024

LAW2465: Singapore Taxation Law, RMIT, Singapore: One of your tasks as advisers is to provide advice quickly when requested by the client

This assessment is an individual assessment and is worth 20 marks. One of your tasks as advisers is to provide advice quickly when requested by the client (assessment task 1) The other task consists of where a client comes to…

March 28th, 2024

BSE217: Motor Development, Control and Learning Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Question 1 of TMA02 will be a group presentation during Session 5. Everyone will be randomly allocated

Question 1 Question 1 of TMA02 will be a group presentation during Session 5. Everyone will be randomly allocated to groups on the day of the session. All groups will have 20 minutes to prepare their presentation Present the following:…

March 27th, 2024 | BSE217 TMA

BM1986: Strategic compensation management Assignment, NYP, Singapore: Identify and explain the top three (3) factors that shape the organization’s external competitiveness

Requirements With reference to the analysis of the chosen organization completed in ICA1, ICA 2 assignment requires you to review the chosen company’s external competitiveness. You will proceed to provide further analysis and recommendations to the management of the chosen…

March 27th, 2024

ANL203: Analytics for Decision-Making Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: The dataset “BusinessAnalyst_GBA.xlsx” contains the job listings for business analysts across the United States in 2020

Question 1 The dataset “BusinessAnalyst_GBA.xlsx” contains the job listings for business analysts across the United States in 2020. It includes the job titles, salary ranges, ratings, locations, sizes, types, sectors, revenues, and the ease of job applications. Here are some…

March 27th, 2024 | ANL203 SUSS

COM203 Consulting and Freelancing Home Work, MU, Singapore: Discuss this statement with reference to a real-life case study/examples to illustrate

Instructions: You must answer 3 (three) questions from the list on the next page. Each answer should be between 300 (minimum) and 400 (maximum) words. You must upload your answers in a single Word document in the LMS portal by…

March 26th, 2024

BPM203 Construction Project Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: A contractor has been awarded the project to design and construct a water treatment plant

Question 2 A contractor has been awarded the project to design and construct a water treatment plant. Demonstrate your understanding of the Project Management process by describing the tasks that the Project Manager should coordinate with his team and the…

March 26th, 2024

BPM203 Construction Project Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Outline and explain in detail the role of various governmental agencies that could be involved in the construction

Question 1 Outline and explain in detail the role of various governmental agencies that could be involved in the construction of a public housing estate that involves demolition of an existing building that has asbestos sheets, the removal of an…

March 26th, 2024
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