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TSL571e: This ECA is an individual project that requires you to carry out an analysis of academic discourse: English in a Global Context Assignment, SUSS, Singapore

Question This ECA is an individual project that requires you to carry out an analysis of academic discourse and apply your knowledge of accepted practices in writing research articles to your writing. Detailed instructions are given below. A. Prepare a…

July 7th, 2023 | SUSS ASSIGNMENT | TSL571e: SUSS

HRM09105: Leadership in Organisations Essay, ENU, Singapore: The purpose of this essay is to evaluate and reflect on concepts of leadership from both an academic and practitioner perspective

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to evaluate and reflect on concepts of leadership from both an academic and practitioner perspective. Leadership has been researched and defined in academia for many years, and more widely in the last thirty. …

July 7th, 2023

BSL391: Dispute Resolution Research Paper, NUS, Singapore Imagine you are working for a company that has an important client. The client is involved in a dispute with another business

Imagine you are working for a company that has an important client. The client is involved in a dispute with another business, and millions of dollars are at stake.  Negotiations to try and resolve the dispute, between the client and…

July 6th, 2023 | BSL391 NUS | NUS RESEARCH PAPER

MLA603: Maritime Regulation and Governance Assignment, MC, Singapore Applying the Hague-Visby Rules is often not straightforward and sometimes must be decided by the courts

Question 1 Applying the Hague-Visby Rules is often not straightforward and sometimes must be decided by the courts. Consider, for example, the following situation: part of a cargo suffers some minor physical damage, but an economic loss is suffered in…

July 6th, 2023 | MLA603 ASSIGNMENT | MLA603 MC

Machine Learning Assignment, NUS, Singapore: Explore, prepare, and transform the data to facilitate predictive modelling

Explore, prepare, and transform the data to facilitate predictive modelling. Here are some hints: In exploratory modelling, it is useful to move fairly soon to at least an initial model without solving all data preparation issues. One example is the…

July 6th, 2023

BHB3002 Strategic Management Assignment, SIT, Singapore: Using strategic management concepts and methods, you will critically evaluate

Using strategic management concepts and methods, you will critically evaluate your strategic situation of yourself as you are heading toward your career aspiration after graduation. It would be an excellent opportunity to apply the strategic management procedure to yourself in…

July 6th, 2023

PSY382: Psychology of Ageing Assignment, MU, Singapore The primary criteria for good scientific writing are accuracy and clarity. If your manuscript is written with style and flair, great

The primary criteria for good scientific writing are accuracy and clarity. If your manuscript is written with style and flair, great. But this is a subsidiary virtue. First, strive for accuracy and clarity. The first step toward clarity is to…

July 6th, 2023 | PSY382 ASSIGNMENT | PSY382 MU

PSY382 TMA MU Assignment Psychology Of Ageing Assignment, MU, Singapore: Describe Biopsychosocial Processes Of Ageing And Explain The Effects Of Genetics, Sociocultural And Lifestyle Factors, And Individual Differences

Introduction - Present a study with a clear rationale, and explanation of the theory - Clearly linked aims and hypothesis I have chosen a literature review for your consideration Methods - clearly justify the chosen study e.g. sample size, explain,…

July 6th, 2023 | PSY382 MU | PSY382 TMA

ISIT 312: Big Data Management Assignment, SIM, Singapore Conceptual modeling of a data warehouse An objective of this task is to create a conceptual schema of a sample data warehouse domain described

Task  Conceptual modeling of a data warehouse An objective of this task is to create a conceptual schema of a sample data warehouse domain described below. Read and analyze the following specification of a data warehouse domain. A person is…

B2200C Microeconomics Course Work, RP, Singapore: Explain the law of demand. What are the factors of demand?

Factors affecting demand Explain the law of demand. What are the factors of demand? How do they affect demand and the demand curve? Apply this understanding to your analysis of petrol in Singapore. Examine possible factors that can affect its…

Human Resources Management Dissertation, UOE, Singapore: The purpose of this study aims to determine the impact of organizational culture (OC) affecting

An investigation of organizational culture affecting employee performance: An empirical study of the design industry in Singapore Research Topic The purpose of this study aims to determine the impact of organizational culture (OC) affecting employee performance (EP). Despite research concurring…

July 6th, 2023

PSY393:The Developing Mind Essay, NUS, Singapore An effectiveway to optimize attentional controlin young children would be to teach all caregivers strategies to help their infants to learn to walk as early as possible: Psychology

Imagine that you are writing an essay on the following topic: An effective way to optimize attentional control in young children would be to teach all caregivers strategies to help their infants to learn to walk as early as possible.…

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