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Data Analytics Research Paper, LSBF, Singapore We are looking for projects that fit in a variety of industries and sectors, address a diversity of types of problems

We are looking for projects that fit in a variety of industries and sectors, address a diversity of types of problems, require an advanced depth of analysis, and have ensured the availability of clean and rich data at the outset…

July 21st, 2023 | LSBF ASSESSMENT

GSP160: Writing for Academic Purposes Essay, SUSS, Singapore There has been a rising voice for Nobel committees to consider gender diversity in addition to work quality when nominating scientists

There has been a rising voice for Nobel committees to consider gender diversity in addition to work quality when nominating scientists carefully and write an argumentative essay of about 600-700 words in response to the following question. There has been…

July 21st, 2023 | GSP160 ESSAY | SUSS ESSAY

Ayven Zuo Report, NUS, Singapore Obtain the annual reports for the 2019-20 financial year and the 2018-19 financial year of the company selected

ASSIGNMENT TASKS Listen to the talk by the industry representative, obtain the annual reports for the 2019-20 financial year and the 2018-19 financial year of the company selected? Chip Eng Seng Corporation Ltd? and undertake research using the course materials,…

July 21st, 2023 | NUS REPORT

BUS308: Sustainability Ethics and Law Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Apply relevant theories learned from this course, comment briefly on SIA efforts on sustainability

Apply relevant theories learned from this course, comment briefly on SIA efforts on sustainability and on any one (1) efforts for protecting the environment. Examine how SIA has performed in that regard over the three years. The report should explain…

July 21st, 2023 | BUS308: SUSS | LAW ASSIGNMENT

PSS101: Introduction to the Singapore Legal System Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Examine how the Constitution and other legislation safeguard judicial independence in Singapore

Question 1 Article 93 of the Singapore Constitution states that “The judicial power of Singapore shall be vested in a Supreme Court and in such subordinate courts as may be provided by any written law for the time being in…

July 21st, 2023 | PSS101: SUSS | SUSS ASSIGNMENT

PSS215: Introduction to Disaster Risk and Resilience Essay, SUSS, Singapore Explain how and why a community-based capacity-building program could be considered as a means to reduce the exposure and vulnerability

Question 1 Based on the geophysical disaster of the 2014 earthquake in Chiang Rai that occurred in a developing. Research on the disaster risks and their outcomes to respond to the following topics: Explain how and why a community-based capacity-building…

July 21st, 2023 | PSS215: SUSS | RESILIENCE ESSAY

Organisation Analysis Casestudy, RMIT, Singapore You must draw on radical structuralism, radical humanism neo-humanism, and at least one other concept theory

You must draw on radical structuralism, radical humanism neo-humanism, and at least one other concept theory from Weeks 6 through to 11 throughout each section of your report, which is to fulfill the following requirements: Describe the conflict of interest…

July 21st, 2023 | CASESTUDY

Leadership Assignment, NTU, Singapore You are required to reflect on your own leadership qualities using diagnostic tools

You are required to reflect on your own leadership qualities using diagnostic tools. These will measure three specific areas of leadership, and provide an indication of potential strengths and weaknesses. Alongside these, you will reflect on what you learned about…

BUS225: Services Relationship and Retail Marketing Assignment, MU, Singapore Evaluate service and retail businesses using marketing theories, concepts and tools

Learning Outcomes Evaluate service and retail businesses using marketing theories, concepts and tools. Design and apply a Service Blueprint to evaluate customer touchpoints Distinguish differences between products and services and apply appropriate theories and tools in developing solutions. Differentiate customer…

July 21st, 2023 | BUS225: MU | RETAIL MARKETING

MKTG3000: Strategic Marketing Management Thesis, UON, Singapore You Requires to prepare a Marketing Plan for an identified opportunity in report format with supporting material

This task requires you to prepare a Marketing Plan for an identified opportunity in report format with supporting material. Use of marketing theoretical frameworks; the logic of inferences made; adequacy of supporting material presented, written competency including report formatting accuracy.…

MTD113: History of Media Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Explain the process of human communication in its various contexts and how it is impacted by technology and media

Question 1 Explain the process of human communication in its various contexts and how it is impacted by technology and media. The magazine industry is specifically geared towards reaching niche audiences, clearly illustrating the pillar of convergence known as audience…

July 21st, 2023 | MEDIA ASSIGNMENT | MTD113: SUSS

OMGT2229: Strategic Supply Chain Assignment, RMIT, Singapore Estimate demand for the next three using a 3-month moving average, simple exponential

a) Estimate demand for the next three using a 3-month moving average, simple exponential smoothing with a = 0.1, and Holt's model to estimate the demand with a = 0.1 and /1= 0.2. b) Evaluate the MAD, MAPE, bias, and…

July 21st, 2023 | OMGT2229 RMIT | RMIT ASSIGNMENT
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