Find Solved Questions for Different Singapore Universities

BPM213: Procurement Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore In each case recommend and justify to the client a suitable type of contractual arrangement for the project and describe its procedures

Question 1 Based on the three case situations provided under Appendix A, answer the following questions: (a) In each case, recommend and justify to the client a suitable type of contractual arrangement for the project and describe its procedures. (b)…


Development and Analysis of drone impacting on human Report, JCU, Singapore The project uses Abaqus to simulate drone I design, according to Skywalker X8 Dimension, using Solidworks

The project uses Abaqus to simulate drone I design, according to Skywalker X8 Dimension, using Solidworks. Preliminary Simulation was done using the drone impacting on a rigid wall. The current phase is drone impacting on human dummy heads that I…

August 10th, 2023 | JCU REPORT

BUS368: Innovation Management and Digital Transformation Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Describe your product or service innovation and Examine why it can be considered an innovation

Question 1 (a) Suggest a practical service or product innovation for the case scenario described above. Describe your product or service innovation. Examine why it can be considered an innovation. (b) Describe any three (3) options for protecting an innovation.…

August 10th, 2023 | BUS368 SUSS

SCO105: Transforming Work Essay, SUSS, Singapore You are required to present your discussion on the topic of technological disruptions covered in Seminar

You are required to present your discussion on the topic of technological disruptions covered in Seminar 2: Article #3: Trenerry, B., Haridas G., & Lim S. S. 2019, September 26. Diversity, Inclusion and the Future of Work. AsiaGlobal Online. With…

August 10th, 2023 | SCO105 TMA | SUSS QUIZ

ME3291: Numerical Methods In Engineering Assignment, NUS, Singapore The governing equation for the temperature distribution with time on a 2D square plate measuring

(1) The governing equation for the temperature distribution with time on a 2D square plate measuring 1 unit by1 unit is ∂T/∂t = ∂2T/∂x2 + ∂2T/∂y2 subjected to the Dirichlet boundary conditions for T provided in Fig.1. You are to…

August 10th, 2023 | ME3291 ASSIGNMENT | ME3291 NUS

BUS204: Business Excellence Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Environmental, Social, and Governance [ESG] practices are becoming important considerations for businesses

Question 1 Environmental, Social, and Governance [ESG] practices are becoming important considerations for businesses. ESG practices are also advocated within the Business Excellence Framework. The Business Excellence Framework is a roadmap for businesses to build a competitive business. Describe in…

August 10th, 2023 | BUS204 QUIZ | BUS204 TERM PAPER

ME4212: Aircraft Structures Assignment, NUS, Singapore Shows the internal structure of the wing of an all-aluminum alloy aircraft and It consists of a front, middle and rear spar with spanwise stringers

Fig. 1 shows the internal structure of the wing of an all-aluminum alloy aircraft. It consists of a front, middle and rear spar with spanwise stringers. You may assume the leading edge cell ahead of the front spar and the…

August 10th, 2023 | ME4212 NUS | NUS ASSESSMENT

International Business Assignment, UOB, Singapore Individual portfolio based on self‐development and self‐reflection with the fundamental aspects of negotiation

Assessment Title: Individual portfolio based on self‐development and self‐reflection with the fundamental aspects of negotiation. Scope: Produce an individual portfolio that is based on self‐development and self‐reflection along with the fundamental aspects of negotiation. No minimum requirement of portfolio elements…


FIN203: Essentials of Financial Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Peter has a housing loan with UOB Bank before the COVID19 pandemic broke out and The details of the loan

Question 1 Peter has a housing loan with UOB Bank before the COVID19 pandemic broke out. The details of the loan are as follows: Principal:           $1,000,000 Interest rate:    4% per annum Tenure:       …

August 10th, 2023 | FIN203 SUSS | FIN203 TMA

HRM313: Total Reward Design and Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Select an industry that is mandated to implement Progressive Wage Model (PWM) and describe how the model works

Select an industry that is mandated to implement Progressive Wage Model (PWM) and describe how the model works. Illustrate the key features and objectives of the PWM in your selected industry. Choose a company with operation in Singapore from the…

August 10th, 2023 | HRM313: SUSS | MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT

MKT355: Tembusu BioScience (TBS) is a biotechnology company founded in Singapore six years ago: Multivariate Analysis Assignment, SUSS

Question 1 Tembusu BioScience (TBS) is a biotechnology company founded in Singapore six years ago. It has an R&D team developing pharmaceutical products. One of the products, Safe Water Pill (SWP), is a water purification tablet that is used to…

August 10th, 2023 | ASSIGNMENT SUSS | MKT355 SUSS

Financial Management Assignment, NTU, Singapore A country’s economic well-being can be enhanced through free international trade in goods and services

(i) “A country’s economic well-being can be enhanced through free international trade in goods and services.” Critically evaluate this statement. (ii) Discuss five advantages and five disadvantages of free international trade. cta_question_2

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