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PhotosopNet Dissertation, ADU, Singapore A bowl/ dish of cooked rice is easily seen as the cultural gastronomy in many Asian countries, e.g. Japan, China, India, Bangladesh
A bowl/ dish of cooked rice is easily seen as the cultural gastronomy in many Asian countries, e.g. Japan, China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and other ASEAN countries. From the oldest historical evidence, rice-grain was grown in the Yangtze River, China;…
Tourism & Events Assignment, MU, Singapore ‘Dark tourism’, also known as tourism, is a growing form of niche tourism associated with dark events, sightings, history
‘Dark tourism’, also known as tourism, is a growing form of niche tourism associated with dark events, sightings, history, or themes connected to noteworthy death, horror, misfortune, myths, and macabre. Dark tourism is a multifaceted phenomenon only introduced in the…
Health Assignment, NUS, Singapore Description of the population and the areas identified in the need assessment. Description of epidemiology and prevalence of the condition in Singapore
Description of the population and the areas identified in the need assessment. Description of epidemiology and prevalence of the condition in Singapore, highlighting the high-risk groups. and making comparisons with global data. Listing existing services and interventions currently available in…
MGT565: Accounting for Business Decisions Report, SUSS, Singapore Singapore Airlines Limited (SIA) under its Singapore Airlines and Scoot brands provide both passenger
Question 1 Singapore Airlines Limited (SIA) under its Singapore Airlines and Scoot brands provide both passenger and cargo flights as well as numerous airline-related segments including engineering, maintenance, repair, etc. Singapore Airlines is a member of the global Star Alliance…
MKT6045: One Planet Business Assignment, BCU, Singapore Identify factors within the marketing environment that is driving the need for sustainable behavior
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment: On completion of this assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to: LO1 - Identify factors within the marketing environment that is driving the need for sustainable behavior LO2…
MTD319: MTD 319 Android Application Development Assignment, SUSS, Singapore The National Environment Agency (NEA) is looking for interesting ways to engage Singapore citizens to participate in recycle activities
Question The National Environment Agency (NEA) is looking for interesting ways to engage Singapore citizens to participate in recycle activities. One of the initiatives is to develop an Android mobile application to educate and encourage people to recycle. A…
AERO2410: Airline Operations Individual Assignment, RMIT, Singapore Identify, assess, and illustrate key performance indicators such as the number of passengers
Step 1. Airline key performance indicators. Identify, assess, and illustrate key performance indicators such as the number of passengers, the number of destinations (international and domestic), the fleet structure, the number of code-share and interline agreements (ranking by year), the…
281ACC: DECISION MANAGEMENT INDIVIDUAL Assignment, BES, Singapore Critically discuss the various aspects of capital investment appraisal and explain how you could evaluate an investment proposal
Part A (Essay): Critically discuss the various aspects of capital investment appraisal and explain how you could evaluate an investment proposal in a food manufacturing business environment. Use relevant literature and real business examples to support your discussion. In choosing…
PSS303 – Transnational Crime and Globalisation Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Analyse the responses produced by Chat GPT to identify and elaborate on what is lacking in the responses and any points not covered
Question 1 (a) Analyse the responses produced by Chat GPT to identify and elaborate on what is lacking in the responses and any points not covered. (b) Illustrate what can cause this significant proliferation, based on potential technological and geopolitical…
Business Development Assignment, BCU, Singapore Prepare For This First Meeting With The Objective Of Gaining Agreement To Submit A Proposal For Selling Your Products/Services To The Company
Assessment task one As a result of your good preparation, you have managed to secure an initial meeting with your prospect. For the first part of this assessment, you will prepare for this first meeting with the objective of gaining…
PSS101: Introduction to the Singapore Legal System Essay, SUSS, Singapore “All would be lost if the same man or the same body of principal men…exercised these three powers
Question 1 “All would be lost if the same man or the same body of principal men…exercised these three powers; that of making the laws, that of executing public resolutions, and that of judging the crimes or the disputes of…
Diploma in Logistics and Management Assignment, LSBF, Singapore Analyze key information and knowledge requirements for a range of stakeholders within different organizations
Analyze key information and knowledge requirements for a range of stakeholders within different organizations. Analyze potential barriers to effective workplace communication. Evaluating low communication is influenced by values and cultural factors. Explain how technology can be used to benefit as…
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- HBC203 TMA01: Statistics and Data Analysis for the Social and Behavioural Sciences
- BSL202 Workplace Law Assignment: Employment Status and Contract Issues
- FMT101 Building Services (TMA01) Assignment: energy-efficient and fire safety strategies
- A2349C Pharmaceutical Legislation Graded Assignment: Regulatory Approval Plan for Glucura
- MTD220 (ECA) Assessment: User Experience Design and Development for Online Learning Micro-Site