Find Solved Questions for Different Singapore Universities

Principle of Finance Assignment, UCD, Singapore: National Gaming Inc. (National) operates the weekly lottery in the country

Question National Gaming Inc. (National) operates the weekly lottery in the country. National is owned by the country’s Finance Ministry. Hence, the operating license is indefinite, and National enjoys tax-free status. The annual net profit of $300 million has been…

June 15th, 2024

DSM060: Data Science Research Topics, Course Work Assignment, UOL, Singapore

Coursework assignment: Literature review This assignment is weighted at 50% of the final mark for the module. The purpose of this coursework is to help you to: reflect on your research interests in the area of data science and select…

June 15th, 2024

E2409C: Aviation, Assignment, RP, Singapore : Aircraft and Flight Operations

INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. The Graded Assignment will constitute 100% of the overall module assessment grade. It comprises an individual report submission. On a case-by-case basis, you may be required to do an oral interview to seek clarifications on the…

June 15th, 2024

BUS333: Derivative Securities, Assignment, MU, Singapore, Answer the calculation questions on paper and then transpose them onto LMS using the built-in equation editor.

Calculations: Answer the calculation questions on paper and then transpose them onto LMS using the built-in equation editor. Alternatively, photograph your workings and embed the images in a word or pdf document and upload this to LMS. You may also…

June 15th, 2024

ELG101: Discovering Language Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Speakers are creative users of the languages they speak. In our everyday interaction

Section B Answer the following question in this section. Question 3 Speakers are creative users of the languages they speak. In our everyday interaction with others, there are occasions when linguistic patterns are creatively used to produce and infuse humour…

May 1st, 2024

ELG101: Discovering Language Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Demonstrate the articulation of the words in the above data set using the International Phonetic

Section A Answer all questions in this section. Question 1 Examine the data set below. i. plough ii. cough iii. tough iv. through v. though a) Demonstrate the articulation of the words in the above data set using the International…

May 1st, 2024

Principles of Project Management Individual Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: You are appointed a Project Manager in charge of organising and planning a project

Assignment Requirements You are appointed a Project Manager in charge of organising and planning a project. Select only ONE of the project titles below: 1. An environmental protection campaign or event undertaken by a company. 2. To manage moving the…

May 1st, 2024

COR2223: Frontiers of Modern Computing Final Written Assignment, SMU, Singapore: Write a short story imagining a future scenario and how one or more of the modern computing technologies

Challenge B: a short story on future technology in education 1. Write a short story imagining a future scenario and how one or more of the modern computing technologies studied in the course have evolved to be applied within the…

May 1st, 2024

AC2101: Accounting Recognition and Measurement Assignment, NTU, Singapore: If NTU-C were to record the abovementioned transactions on 31 January, 28 February and 15 March 20×2

NTU Cooperative (“NTU-C”) adopts a 31 December financial year-end. On 1 January 20x2, NTU-C launched a student loyalty program where every 10-dollar sale entitled students to one loyalty point on producing their student matriculation card. Students could buy an NTU…

April 30th, 2024

BSE217: Motor Development, Control and Learning Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Create a rating scale or categories of differentiation to rate the movement proficiencies of the individual

Question 2 Watch this video: Discuss the movement proficiencies of the individual in the video. Your discussion points should include the following:  Create a rating scale or categories of differentiation to rate the movement proficiencies of the individual. o…

April 30th, 2024

BSE217: Motor Development, Control and Learning Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Discuss the main theoretical foundations of Ecological Dynamics Theory

Question 1 (a) Discuss the main theoretical foundations of Ecological Dynamics Theory. (b) Describe Fitts & Posner's (1974) Stages of Learning model. Outline if the model is associated with a linear or nonlinear theoretical perspective. Justify with relevant examples. (c)…

April 30th, 2024

NCO201: Learn To Learn, Learn For Life Tutor-Marked Assignment 2, SUSS, Singapore: Create a learning plan. Use this template to create your learning plan

Question 1 Create a learning plan. Use this template to create your learning plan: cta_question_1

April 30th, 2024
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