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MKT390: Marketing Research Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Financial-Gold is a large financial service firm that operates in major cities in Australia to end consumers
University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject MKT390: Marketing Research
Posted on: 5th Sep 2023

MKT390: Marketing Research Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Financial-Gold is a large financial service firm that operates in major cities in Australia to end consumers

Financial-Gold is a large financial service firm that operates in major cities in Australia to end consumers. The services offered include financial and investment advice, wealth management, and insurance services. The firm would like to extend its services through online platforms and the use of Al and robotics.

It is seeking an individual or market research firm proficient in market research design to conduct a consumer survey to understand trends surrounding technology use in financial services and synthesize results to share the findings.

To do so. it invites suppliers to provide a project design document. The results of the research will be used for resource allocation, inform current and new services and products. The company wants to meet the objectives of gaining knowledge of new trends and consumers’ attitudes and consumption patterns in hi-tech financial services environments.

The project requirements are open such that the chosen partner could create, field, and analyze an online survey or design an exploratory research design to understand the problem in-depth and gain further insights.

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