MGMT317: Organizational Behavior Assignment, SUSS, Singapore So much information is now available on the Internet that it can be overwhelming. How to make sense of this vast volume of information
Learning Outcomes:
- Define the subject matter at hand, identify key concepts, and map out how these concepts are related to one another logically
- Discuss the subject matter from various perspectives
- Assess the truth, relevance, and strength of evidence used to support arguments
- Bring to light assumptions that may be hidden behind arguments and examine the influence of context on the subject matter by discussing contingencies that may constrain the validity of arguments.
- Integrate, synthesize, or reconcile the various arguments presented, and draw conclusions on the subject matter.
So much information is now available on the Internet that it can be overwhelming. How to make sense of this vast volume of information of varying degrees of validity and trustworthiness? It is no longer sufficient for us to be able to understand the written word. Instead, it is important for us to be able to think critically about each piece of information to assess its truthfulness, relevance, and validity.
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