MGMT317: Organizational Behavior Report, SUSS, Singapore: Give a brief summary of the article using and For each article, analyze the content using
Guidelines to Report Writing Format for Article Analysis
For EACH Article Analysis, in FOUR paragraphs, you are required to provide the following:
a) Give a brief summary of the article using not more than 100 words.
b) For each article, analyze the content using ONE(1) OB concept from any topic in the Individual Level eg. Personality, Perception, Motivation 1 & 2, Behaviour Modification using: The identity, Define, Apply (IDA) approach. The concept used in the 1st Article should NOT be repeated in the 2nd Article.
c) Reflect on what you have learned from the article by evaluating its impact on others, the community, and/or businesses and your recommendations if any. Explain any TWO key areas.
d) Format of the report which includes cover page (Appendix 1), page number, proper paragraphing, grammar, etc.
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