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MAN6070 Innovative Thinking for Organization Development, BCU, Singapore: Justify the significance of innovative thinking and idea generation to support responses to organizational challenges
University Birmingham City University (BCU)
Subject MAN6070 Innovative Thinking for Organization Development
Posted on: 3rd Nov 2023

MAN6070 Innovative Thinking for Organization Development , BCU, Singapore: Justify the significance of innovative thinking and idea generation to support responses to organizational challenges

Learnicompletion of the assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:
1 Justify the significance of innovative thinking and idea generation to support responses to organizational challenges, threats, and opportunities
2. Critically evaluate current approaches and thinking within organizations to generate an idea as an innovative response to a contemporary organizational issue.
3. Synthesise research to generate and critically evaluate options in order to formulate a response to a contemporary organizational issue.
4. Apply appropriate ng outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment: On resources and techniques to prepare, structure, and deliver an oral presentation

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Element 1: Individual Portfolio comprised of three parts:
⦁ Part 1: Initial research on the issue, based on desk and field (500 words +/- 10%). In addition to a Word document, you can also present this for example as a table, mind map, or chart. Weighted at: 10%

⦁ Part 2: Define the root problem/reframe the problem (500 words +/- 10%) You can present this for example as a Word document or a visual method – for example poster. Weighted at: 20%

⦁ Part 3: Define the solution and its features (500 words +/- 10%). You can present this as a visual prototype/mock-up of your solution. Weighted at: 20%

⦁ A reference list in Harvard format
*Please note to include any rough notes, research notes, transcriptions, photos of documents, and visual material such as post-its, diary entries, models, maps, and so on. This provides evidence of your application of the DT process.

Element 2: Individual 15 minutes presentation:

⦁ The presentation should be professional, engaging, academically rigorous, and demonstrate the effective use of presentation techniques. The presentation is an opportunity for you to provide details regarding the innovative solution you have come up with to the contemporary problem. Your 15-minute individual presentation should include information on (but not limited to):
⦁ the issue you are going to solve (this should be the reframed issue from Part 2 of your E-portfolio)
⦁ the research you carried out (this should be research specific to the reframed issue and relevant to a clearly identified user persona)
⦁ the innovative ideas you came up with and which one you chose to take forward and why (this requires you to detail your ideation process which is presented in Part 2 of your E-portfolio)
⦁ the prototype (this requires the presentation of a mock-up/prototype of your final solution)
⦁ the testing stage and feedback (this should be supported by evidence of feedback/comments on the prototype and can include transcripts, embedded audio recordings, excerpts of comments/feedback, etc.)

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