HFS103: Psychology for Human Factors Essay, SUSS, Singapore There has been much debate about the placement of very young children in daycare or early learning centers
Question: There has been much debate about the placement of very young children in daycare or early learning centers. With reference to infants’ cognitive, psychological and social development, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of placing young children (i.e., infants — pre-school age) in long daycare
Question: Spare the rod, spoil the child? Present an argument outlining the reasons why parents should OR should not be allowed to physically punish (i.e., smack) their children, with reference to the cognitive, psychological, and social impact of physical punishment on child development.
Question: Are we helping or hurting our kids with helicopter parenting? Discuss with reference to parenting styles, and how helicopter parenting might impact a child’s cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Question: Discuss the effects of cyberbullying on adolescents’ cognitive, emotional and social development.
Question: Close attachments are considered “essential to normal cognitive, social and emotional development” (Sigelman, De George, Cunial, & Rider, 2019, p. 585). Discuss the phenomenon of ‘hookups’ (i.e., uncommitted sexual encounters) and their implications for the development of close attachments in romantic relationships.
Question: Discuss the psychology of job loss and mental health implications of long-term unemployment on individuals, and their families.
Question: “The challenges (of being a sandwich generation caregiver] have a tremendous impact on the overall lifestyle of middle-aged adults, including personal time, career development, and financial stability” (Riley & Bowen, 2005, p. 52). Discuss this quote in relation to the concept of ‘carer burden’ and how it might impact the well-being of middle-aged adults tending to the needs of both their children and their aging parents.
Question: First, compare and contrast the Parkes/Bowlby Attachment Model and the Dual Process Model of bereavement. Second, outline how culture has an impact on the understanding of death, grieving, and mourning practices.
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