HBC201: Examine relevant literature on an issue related to scams in Singapore that you would like to study: Research Methods for the Social and Behavioural Sciences Assignment, SUSS
Background and Literature Review 1050w
Examine relevant literature on an issue related to scams in Singapore that you would like to study. Analyse the identified literature, examine the research methods used in the existing studies, and critique the strengths or weaknesses of these studies.
Following your literature review, you should propose a specific and clear research question that you would like to study. The research question should be about scams in Singapore. You should also discuss the importance of the study you have proposed.
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- You can choose to study any topic related to scams in Singapore. The key is that you clearly describe the topic you would like to study based on your literature review. Examples of possible topics include the following: factors that may contribute to the rise in the number of scams in Singapore, consequences of becoming a scam victim, impact of an initiative that aims to reduce scams in Singapore etc.
- For your literature review, you need to include at least five academic journal articles that are relevant to the topic of your choice. It is acceptable if one or more journal articles that you have selected are not done in Singapore. The key is that you should explain explicitly how the selected journal articles inform your proposed research.
- In your literature review, you should critically evaluate the strengths or weaknesses of the selected journal articles, rather than merely present the methods or findings of these previous studies in a descriptive manner. Based on your literature review, discuss the importance of the study you propose, such as how your proposed study addresses a specific limitation of the past studies, any theoretical or practical contribution(s) your research finding(s) may make, etc.
Analyse identified literature:
Specific research questions:
This research questions are what is the prevalence, types, and preventive measures of scams in Singapore?
Importance of present proposal is that from Lu et al. (2020) shown that awareness campaigns and public education had been increased in-use as strategies to reduces numbers of scams whereby how a scan being planned, and psychological trick used to scam victims. The study clearly defines how the victim’s emotions being stimulate and manipulate to blind the victim cognitive decision-making ability.
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In searching for articles, I had outlined some key words in searching for any existing literature such as, scams in Singapore, fraud in Singapore………….
Strength and weakness of the journal articles all depending on reliability and credibility of research.
However, the study did not manage to prove victim’s emotional was susceptible to scam.
From all the journal articles, the importance and gap of my proposed article.
Research Design:
(c) Research Design (40m) 1200w
Apply relevant concepts and propose a research design to address your research question with respect to the following aspects:
(i) explain whether you plan to use a quantitative or qualitative method and why,
- You should first explain whether you plan to use a quantitative or qualitative method. Provide at least two reasons to explain why you choose one method over another. If you choose to use both quantitative and qualitative methods, provide at least two reasons to justify your choice too.
(ii) briefly describe your proposed method and discuss critical elements in your research procedure, and
- Next, discuss the critical elements in the research procedure. You are required to at least describe your sampling strategy, data collection method(s), and procedure of data collection.
- For sampling strategy, at a minimum specify the population your study targets (for example, adults aged 20 to 39), the number of participants you will recruit, and how you will recruit participants for your study.
(iii) discuss possible threats to the validity of your research and explain how you will address these threats.
- For data collection method(s), if you choose to use a quantitative method, you need to include the survey. If you choose to use a qualitative method, you need to include the interview (either semi-structured interview or focus group) questions. You should explain clearly whether you plan to develop the survey/interview questions from scratch, use existing survey/interview questions, or adapt existing survey/interview questions to study your research question. You need to include all survey or interview questions that you propose to use in the Appendix.
- Describe the procedure of administering the survey or conducting interviews.
- You should also discuss at least two possible concerns in the use of survey or interview method that may threaten the validity of your research. Explain how you will address these concerns.
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