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Sustainable, Assignment, UoN, Singapore
University University of Northampton (UoN)
Subject Sustainable Assignment
Posted on: 27th Aug 2024

Harley Davidson utilized different entry mode strategies in pursuit of internationalization: Sustainable, Assignment, UoN, Singapore

AS2 Instructions to students:

  • Read the Case Study – Harley Davidson 2018.
  • Students are to choose any Two questions for this AS2.
  • The answer to each question attempted should be up to a maximum of700 words with the word count shown on the submission (excluding reference list).
  • Harvard Referencing is required in AS2. Please follow the link forreference: https://libguides.northampton.ac.uk/harvard AS2

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1. Product development allows a company to modify existing products or develop new products for its markets. Using examples from the case study explain Harley Davidson’s approach to new product development and whether you consider it to be a successful strategy?

2. Outline Porter’s generic strategy of differentiation and explain, using examples fromthe case study, how Harley Davidson differentiated itself from competitors.

3. Harley Davidson utilized different entry mode strategies in pursuit of internationalization. Using information from the case study discuss Harley Davidson’s approaches to internationalization and the challenges it facesin this area.

4. Explain the rationale behind the business idea. Using Harley Davidson asan example, map out a possible business idea for Harley Davidson and how this could lead to competitive advantage for the company.

5. Explain the rationale behind a strategy of diversification. From the case study, outline the approaches to diversification that Harley Davidson hasfollowed.

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