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GPS3017 Human Factors & User Experience Assignment, TP, Singapore: The purpose of the Behavioural Design Analysis is to allow students to familiarize themselves
University Temasek Polytechnic (TP)
Subject GPS3017 Human Factors & User Experience Assignment
Posted on: 28th Dec 2023

GPS3017 Human Factors & User Experience Assignment, TP, Singapore: The purpose of the Behavioural Design Analysis is to allow students to familiarize themselves

Assessment Weight: 30% (60 Marks)

The purpose of the Behavioural Design Analysis is to allow students to familiarize themselves with the CREATE framework proposed by Stephen Wendel (2020) (i.e., covered in Week 4 class). The CREATE framework was developed to help practitioners designing products or services to change or influence behaviours, and assess whether their products or services can get people into action (i.e., engage in the behaviour(s) that the product or service is designed to change), and to analyze what might be some potential reasons why the product or service was able or not able to get people into action.
For this assignment, students will need to choose a mobile app designed to change a behaviour. The chosen app could be one that the student is currently using, or have used in the past. If a student has never used a mobile app designed to change a behaviour, he or she can download one from an app store and install it on their smart phone or tablet for the purpose of this assignment (i.e., there are a lot of free mobile apps designed to change a behaviour > see Appendix B for some suggestions).

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Figure 1. The CREATE Action Funnel, taken from Designing for Behaviour Change (Wendel, 2020)

The student will then have to spend some time in using the app (i.e., will be recommended at least 3-S days), and then apply the CREATE action funnet (see Figure 1) to assess if the mobile app is effective in getting people to engage in the behaviour(s) that the mobile app is designed to change. Based on this assessment, students will need to identify which stages of the CREATE framework that the mobile app has done well in its implementation, and which stages of the CREATE framework that the mobile app is lacking in its implementation. Finally, the student should also suggest potential improvements to the design of the mobile app, especially for the stages of the CREATE framework in which the mobile app is lacking in its implementation.

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