FINA1035: Strategic Financial Management Report, UOG, Singapore You can conclude by identifying which of the factors in your analysis most affect the Company
University | University of Glasgow (UOG) |
PESTLE Analysis this is a PESTLE analysis for the industry and not about the Company (BP). You can conclude by identifying which of the factors in your analysis most affect the Company.
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis this analysis should be on your chosen SBU industry such as downstream. Apply the analysis to the SBU industry and determine for each of the forces whether it is a weak, medium, or strong force. You can conclude by determining whether this is an attractive industry for existing companies to remain in.
Markets and CSFs should be based on your chosen SBU. You are to provide two lists 1) the overall energy industry predictions and 2) the chosen SBU industry predictions with 4 predictions in each list such as market size, segment size, growth prospects, how the markets react to your company, etc data, and evidence. You should also list 5 critical success factors (CSFs) on what customers demand from companies competing in the SBU industry such as product quality, performance, service, price, sustainability, etc
Opportunities and Threats list 5 prioritized opportunities and 5 prioritized threats that should come from your analysis of PESTLE, Five Forces, Markets, and CSFs.
Strategic Position For the chosen SBU or company, identify its current basic competitive strategy by locating its position on Bowman’s strategy clock. Identify and describe the company’s current market/product strategies using the Ansoff matrix and the methods of executing these strategies; also determine the company’s corporate parenting role(s) and international strategy(s).
Narrative description of current strategies describes the company’s current strategies and determines the likelihood of success or failure of their current strategies. Conclude whether the company is in a good position to face the future.
Propose 2 new future strategies with 1 for corporate and 1 for the chosen SBU discuss your 2 proposed strategies with the use of the Ansoff matrix to identify what type of strategies for corporate and the SBU respectively. You should use your external analysis and future predictions of industry and markets etc to support and justify your 2 proposed strategies.
Feasibility and acceptability of your 2 proposed strategies discuss the feasibility (financial and resource development) and acceptability (risk versus return and stakeholders’ reactions) of your 2 proposed strategies for corporate and the SBU respectively (refer to Netflix example).
Select the winning strategy and identify the key issues to determine and justify the winning strategy from your 2 proposed strategies; identify the key issues in implementing the winning strategy and discuss the risk assessment/risk management of the strategy (refer to Netflix example).
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