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Digital Marketing Assignment, PSB, Singapore As the new digital marketing manager for the US market, your first task is to analyze the campaign dashboard to ascertain
University PSB Academy (PSB)
Subject Digital Marketing
Posted on: 28th Sep 2023

Digital Marketing Assignment, PSB, Singapore As the new digital marketing manager for the US market, your first task is to analyze the campaign dashboard to ascertain

As the new digital marketing manager for the US market, your first task is to analyze the campaign dashboard to ascertain if ARO Digital will meet the overall marketing objective targets for its clients. You are to assume that your team is generating this report for 30th September 2021 as an in-campaign report to ascertain if the overall objectives are on their way to being met by 31st December 2021 by comparing them against the past 6 months.

Learning objectives:

  1. Apply what they learned from the lectures and tutorials into this project and collaborate in a team using the Team-Based Learning approach.
  2. Evaluate and design a full infographic report that analyses the campaign performance.

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