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Data Science Final Project, Coursework 1, UOL, Singapore: Your first formal coursework submission is your full project proposal, This sets out very clearly what your Data Science Project will be, and also how you will conduct the project
University University of London (UOL)
Subject Data Science Final Project Coursework 1
Posted on: 5th Aug 2024

Data Science Final Project, Coursework 1, UOL, Singapore: Your first formal coursework submission is your full project proposal, This sets out very clearly what your Data Science Project will be, and also how you will conduct the project

Coursework Description

Your first formal coursework submission is your full project proposal. This sets out very clearly what your Data Science Project will be, and also how you will conduct the project. We expect you to include at least the following:

  • project title
  •  project aims, objectives and research questions (or hypothesis if you have chosen to follow this research model)
  • literature context-setting and justification of relevance
  • proposed methodology, associated data and/or datasets, and ethical considerations
  • anticipated outcomes
  • project plan and possible anticipated challenges
  • references (at MSc level we expect at least 10 appropriate academic sources)

Assessment Criteria:

Please refer to Appendix C of the Programme Regulations for detailed Assessment Criteria.

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