Counselling Bibliography, SUSS, Singapore: The aim of this assessment task is to produce an evaluative annotated bibliography that will inform
Assignment 1
The aim of this assessment task is to produce an evaluative annotated bibliography that will inform and support your work with clients. An annotated bibliography provides a brief account (annotation) of the available research on a given topic. It is a list of research sources (bibliography) that includes concise descriptions and evaluations of each source.
More specifically, its purpose is to help you:
Learn about a particular mental health issue or therapy through critically reviewing the literature.
Gain an overview of the main issues, arguments and research within your chosen topic.
Reflect on what has already been discovered about your topic.
Develop your analytical skills through deeper engagement with individual sources.
You are required to produce an annotated bibliography that contains 5 entries relating to journal articles from peer-reviewed journals, and/or book chapters published by commercial publishers.
Your annotated bibliography will focus on one mental health issue and one therapy which you will select from an approved list provided on Moodle. If there is a mental health issue that you would like to research but it is not on the list, please seek approval from your lecturer. Read all of the information provided below, including the criteria for a better understanding of the task. A video explaining the assignment, an FAQ, and a marking rubric will also be made available on Moodle.
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