Principles of Logistics Management Assignment, KU, Singapore: Choose a furniture shop that is locally operated but not necessarily locally owned
University | Kaplan University (KU) |
Assignment Brief (80%, 100 marks)
Choose a furniture shop that is locally operated but not necessarily locally owned. It can be an existing small business or a start‐up. Refrain from using companies that you have no association with and are located on the Internet. You are to ensure that you know the owner(s) or someone in the organisation who can answer any questions posed to them.
Your task in this assignment is to evaluate the logistics of the chosen company, applying the knowledge that you have learnt in this subject, whether the company’s logistics is achieving its objectives i.e., being responsive or efficient to its customers’ needs. The process of assessing the company’s logistics must meet the following requirements:
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1. Introduction
• Explain how the company competes in its industry. You can look at the competition, the players in the industry, and the regulations that govern them, customer expectations in the supply chain, including those of the end consumer, and so on, which would justify the approach the company is taking. The statements that you make must be supported by evidence from credible and independent references.
• You need not attempt to address this section using PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Forces, SWOT, etc. Base your assessment on anecdotal evidence obtained from the owner(s) of the company themselves, or publicly available information.
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