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Business Accounting & Finance – (VM) – A3 Assignment, UOM, Singapore
University University of Manchester (UoM)
Subject Business Accounting & Finance – (VM) – A3 Assignment
Posted on: 7th Sep 2024

Business Accounting & Finance – (VM) – A3 Assignment, UOM, Singapore

Assignment Question:

Question 1

You are asked to undertake a financial ratio analysis of your chosen organisation. You should follow the conventions outlined at the virtual workshops to undertake this analysis, and present the results visually, in no more than three figures/graphs.

Further guidance:

  • The question restricts the presentation to three visuals. It is your choice how you choose to populate these spaces. If you provide more than three visuals, only the first three will be marked. You should refer to the blackboard discussion forum A3 assignment/presentation of financial ratios for further guidance on how to utilise these three spaces effectively.
  • Do not provide your calculations for the ratios. You are being assessed on your ability to utilise financial ratios (most of which are publicly available) to help the reader understand various aspects of your chosen organisations’ performance.
  • The choice of ratios, duration, and reference base are all choices you should make. No individual guidance will be extended for this part of the question since the assignment tests your ability to represent financial performance as per guidance provided at the virtual workshop.
  • You can choose to undertake the analysis on the entire organisation or a sub-set of it (e.g., business unit, geography etc.) depending on data availability and other criteria unique to your organisation, and your role in it.
  • Should you encounter obstacles to undertaking the analysis on your chosen organisation (e.g. small companies not required to publish their financial results, a start-up where there will be insufficient data available etc), you may select an alternative.
  • You need not name your organisation should you have concerns about confidentiality. In this case, use a pseudonym.
  • You may utilise the ‘paste special’ / ‘picture’ feature from excel to word for this section, since these visuals will then not count towards your overall word count.

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Question 2

International financial reporting standards set out the requirements and recognition criteria for what can be included within financial statements, and by implication, seen within financial ratios. Interpret what you see from the financial ratios (in Q1, above), and balance your interpretation with a critical discussion of what you do not see and justify why. You should reference at least one international financial reporting standards in your response

Question 3

Having now completed the value measurement aspect of Business Accounting & Finance, finally, reflect on ways in which you will respond when asked to compute and report on any aspect of organisational value in your career moving forwards

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