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Bachelor of Social Work Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Appraise the importance of networking as part of community practice in social work. Illustrate with relevant examples
University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject Bachelor of Social Work
Posted on: 2nd Sep 2023

Bachelor of Social Work Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Appraise the importance of networking as part of community practice in social work. Illustrate with relevant examples

  • Appraise the importance of networking as part of community practice in social work. Illustrate with relevant examples.
  • Outline three roles that the social worker could play when networking with groups or organizations for social change. For each role, discuss how the social worker practices sensitivity to human diversity when dealing with conflicts within the networks.
  • Discuss, with examples, how supervisors could leverage the functions of supervision to enhance the social workers’ efforts in networking with grassroots organizations. Appraise one organizational culture dynamic that will challenge the supervisory relationship when carrying out these functions.

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