315MKT Social Media And Online Reputation Course Work, SUTD, Singapore: Analyze The Key Concepts Of Social Media And Evaluate Their Evolution With Respect To Hardware and software
Assessment Information
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
1. Analyse the key concepts of Social Media and evaluate their evolution with respect to hardware, software, service provision, supply and as a medium for advertising and communication.
2. Critically examine the impact of Social Media on Online Brand Reputation and identify opportunities and challenges for marketers in this area.
This assignment is an individual assignment.
This assignment requires you to complete the following:
Perform a social media audit on a brand of your choice. Examine, analyse and comment on its use of Social Media Platforms and identify opportunities for development in Social Media making recommendations for Social Media Marketing Plans.
Your 2000-word report must include the following:
1. The Brand’s Social Media Marketing strategic goals/objectives.
2. Critical analysis of the brand’s Social Media Marketing activity in line with these goals/objectives (Knowledge and Understanding, Analysis and Application)
3. Identify opportunities for development in Social Media Marketing activity (Analysis and Recommendations)
4. Recommendations for Social Media Marketing objectives in line with opportunities identified
5. Highlight the KPIs required to measure success (Measurements)
Suggested report structure:
• Introduction to your brand
• Objective and goals on Social Media
• Activity on Social Media – apply appropriate theory here
• Discuss weaknesses and identify opportunities
• Recommendations in the form of Social Media objectives
• Measurements of success using KPIs
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At the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), grappling with 315MKT Social Media And Online Reputation Course Work? Our services specialize in TMA and individual assignments, providing adept help in assignments, alongside top-tier Best Online Exam Help in Singapore. Analyzing key social media concepts and their evolution concerning hardware and software is made easier with our expert guidance. Trust our professionals to navigate SUTD's coursework intricacies, ensuring excellence in your assignments and exams.
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