Posted on: 10th Jan 2025

ECAM105: Airport Technologies for Baggage Handling, Project 1

Project 1 – Airside Performance Standards

The main objectives of this project are:-

1) To understand the importance of choosing appropriate airside performance indicators;

2) How to set appropriate and realistic performance standards (“SMART” Goal) for each airside activity; and subsequently

3) To understand the relationship between the various aircraft related handling activities on the airside for an airside of an airport and the importance of safety as one of the three main objectives of airside operations namely safety, efficiency and service quality.

4) To research on airport technologies for Baggage Handling and how they assist airports to improve the baggage handling process. This is an individual Project. The scope of the Project is given below.

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A) Written Report (25% of Subject marks)

Part I (60% of Project marks)

1) You are required to briefly describe the objective of this Project and elaborate with an example what constitute a “SMART” goal (standard) (10%).

2) You are required to propose a list of five suitable airside activities supporting the operations of aircraft with a brief description of each activity (10%)

3) Propose a suitable performance indicator (either in terms of capacity, efficiency, safety/security, customer service or financial sustainability) for each of the 5 airside activity proposed above with a brief description of each performance indicator proposed (20%)

4) Propose a corresponding suitable performance standard for each of the above five performance indicators with a brief description of each performance standard proposed (20%)

S/No. List of Airside Activities Proposed Performance Indicator and Description Proposed Performance Standard and Description

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Part II (30% of Project marks)

5) You are to identify and briefly explain the safety element of 10 activities (i.e. which part of the operation has a safety implication to aircraft (e.g. causing damage to aircraft) or personnel handling it (e.g. injuring the handler) in a Table form as shown below. (30%)

S/No. List of Airside Activities Brief Explanation of the Safety Element in Each Activity

Presentation of Written Report (10%)

You are required to submit to your facilitator via email a written Report of the above tasks (Part I and Part II) upon the Report due date.

B) Oral Presentation (25% of Subject Marks)

a)You are required to conduct research on three airport technology used for Baggage Handling and collate them into a presentation in PowerPoint (ppt).

b) Introduce your understanding of the three technology that you have chosen and researched on.

c) Identify and explain the challenges faced by airports in implementing each of the three technology.

d) Explain how each of the three technology can assist airports to improve the Baggage Handling process.

e) You are required to make a 10 minutes PowerPoint recording (less than 20 slides) of your presentation and upload it into LMS.

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