BUS352 Operations Analytics Tutor-Marked Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Alpha Inc. is a small medical device manufacturer. The company uses various types of materials
Question 1 Alpha Inc. is a small medical device manufacturer. The company uses various types of materials in its manufacturing process. These materials constitute a large part of the company’s assets. The management of this critical asset greatly affects the…
NCO103 Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling, SUSS, Singapore: Describe in brief what your chosen story is about and the medium on which it is presented
Question 1 Choose a story presented on any medium (e.g. film, short story, graphic novel, novel, song, TV series, podcast etc.). a) Describe in brief what your chosen story is about and the medium on which it is presented. (15m)…
COU362 Psychological Disorders Tutor-Marked Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Kiran (23 Years Old) Is Your New Client Who Seeks Counseling. He Was Tearful During The Intake Session
Question 1 Kiran (23 years old) is your new client who seeks counseling. He was tearful during the intake session. He reported that he is experiencing very frequent bouts of low mood and that he is dissatisfied with his sleep…
BUS357 Tutor marked Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: The Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) stated that “Food waste is one of the biggest waste
Question 1 The Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) stated that “Food waste is one of the biggest waste streams in Singapore and the amount of food waste generated has grown by around 20% over the last 10 years.…
ECE300 In this course, we have discussed three elements of social studies that can be addressed in early: Scientific Enquiry and Social Studies in an Integrated Curriculum, SUSS, Singapore
Question 2 In this course, we have discussed three elements of social studies that can be addressed in early childhood programs from a constructivist perspective: The Child’s World Young Children and Global Understanding Young Children and Issues of Social Responsibility…
HBC211 Behavioural Economics: Everyday Decisions TMA, SUSS, Singapore: Select an everyday decision (e.g., deciding on what to eat for lunch, presenting an idea at work)
Question (100 marks) Select an everyday decision (e.g., deciding on what to eat for lunch, presenting an idea at work). Next, select, read, and understand at least THREE journal articles on heuristics and biases that can inform on the chosen…
NCO201 Learn to Learn, Learn for Life Tutor-Marked Assignment 1, SUSS, Singapore: For this assignment, you will create a profile of yourself as a learner at this juncture in time
Question 1 For this assignment, you will create a profile of yourself as a learner at this juncture in time. Keep in mind that our learning profiles change as we learn and develop. The focus of your learning profile will…
SOC313 Sociology of Education, SUSS, Singapore: Discuss how educational opportunities, abilities, and success in the Singapore school system
Question Discuss how educational opportunities, abilities, and success in the Singapore school system can be influenced by 1) teachers, 2) family habitus and parental influence, 3) race and social class, and 4) curricula. Choose TWO of the above four factors…
EMT201 Describe the key motives and outcomes of the World Cities Summit Mayors Forum 2023: Business Events Assignment, SUSS, Singapore
Question 1 Describe the key motives and outcomes of the World Cities Summit Mayors Forum 2023 from the organizer’s perspective. With adequate evidence and justification, elaborate on how the key motives determine the duration of the themes and subthemes of…
SOC315 Sociology of Family Essay, SUSS, Singapore: Start your essay by creating a ‘factsheet’ about your family
Question Start your essay by creating a ‘factsheet’ about your family. You should include brief descriptions of the following ‘facts’ about your family: Family type: which of these best describes your family: nuclear family, extended nuclear family, single-parent family, or…
LOG206 Transport Management and Technology, SUSS, Singapore: Roy Jakobs, Philips CEO said in a recent interview “Before we were all seeking the optimal global supply chain efficiency
Question 1 Roy Jakobs, Philips CEO said in a recent interview “Before we were all seeking the optimal global supply chain efficiency, now we need to source, manufacture, and deliver much closer to our end markets even if that means…
FMT309 Building Diagnostics Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Project managers usually arrange for the facility management team to take over completed buildings
Question 1 Project managers usually arrange for the facility management team to take over completed buildings immediately after a Temporary Occupation Permit is obtained from the Authority. Often time building defects are sighted during the take-over joint inspection between the…
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