CET310: Branding Using Social Media Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Choose a brand of your choice and assess how well this brand has engaged its prospective customers through an ad campaign

Choose a brand of your choice and assess how well this brand has engaged its prospective customers through an ad campaign that is featured on any social media channel. In your assessment, you will need to show multiple screenshots of…

September 1st, 2023 | CET310 SUSS | SUSS TMA

SCO115: Cities & Crises Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Identify a marginalized group in the city and provide background information on the group including which social

Identify a marginalized group in the city and provide background information on the group including which social, cultural, and/or political actors and institutions are relevant for understanding the group’s situation. cta_question_3

August 29th, 2023 | SCO115 QUIZ | SUSS TMA

SWK293: Social Work Practice Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Demonstrate your ability to propose a suitable program to achieve any of the outcomes which are identified in the Theory of Change

Demonstrate your ability to propose a suitable program to achieve any of the outcomes that are identified in the Theory of Change. Your proposal should include the following: i. A tabulated and detailed discussion of the Logic Model for the…

August 29th, 2023 | SUSS TMA | SWK293 SUSS

FMT101: Building Services Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Window air conditioner units are exactly what they sound like: small air conditioning units that are directly installed in an existing window

Window air conditioner units are exactly what they sound like: small air conditioning units that are directly installed in an existing window. Direct exchange split unit systems are a modification of the window air conditioner units. The evaporator section is…

August 24th, 2023 | FMT101 QUIZ | SUSS TMA

MGMT436: Strategic Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Based on the information provided in the case, lectures, and your own research about the latest Tesla

Based on the information provided in the case, lectures, and your own research about the latest Tesla, discuss the generic strategies of Tesla and how they could achieve a sustainable competitive advantage to stay as EV leader in the next…

August 23rd, 2023 | MGMT436 SUSS | SUSS TMA

Master of Counselling Case Study, SUSS, Singapore You are Ann’s psychotherapist. Based on the description of Ann’s problem below, select at least 3 therapy approaches

You are Ann’s psychotherapist. Based on the description of Ann’s problem below, select at least 3 therapy approaches that you can use in your sessions. Suggest how to apply different skills/ techniques of various approaches to help Ann. Ann is…

August 19th, 2023 | SUSS TMA

Airport Planning and Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Compare the differences in airport planning and management Between HK airport and Changi Airport

Compare the differences in airport planning and management Between HK airport and Changi Airport. 1. Investigate and describe  Administrative and Organizational structure, Airside, landside infrastructure, Annual operational financial data (2010-2021), current client airlines. cta_question_3

August 17th, 2023 | SUSS QUIZ | SUSS TMA

Social Gerentology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Discuss the concept of employment in later life, employment trends of older adults in Singapore, and the importance of employment

Question You will need to address the following guiding points for this assignment: Discuss the concept of employment in later life, employment trends of older adults in Singapore, and the importance of employment for older adults and ageing societies including…

August 11th, 2023 | SUSS TERM PAPER | SUSS TMA

Sponsorships Essay, SUSS, Singapore Students are required to write an individual report that analyses the sponsorship arrangements of an event case study of their choice

Students are required to write an individual report that analyses the sponsorship arrangements of an event case study of their choice. Using a report style format, you will assess the sponsorship of your chosen event case study in terms of…

August 8th, 2023 | Sponsorships TMA | SUSS TMA

ENG201: Linear Systems Analysis and Design Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Determine whether the following signals are periodic. If a signal is periodic, then calculate its fundamental period

Question 1 (a) Determine whether the following signals are periodic. If a signal is periodic, then calculate its fundamental period. (b) A linear system, L, has the following relationship, between its input 𝑥[𝑛] and its output, 𝑦[𝑛], where ℎ[𝑛] =…

August 8th, 2023 | ENG201 SUSS | SUSS TMA

Leadership in Service Innovation Assignment, SUSS, Singapore You shouldn’t go into too much detail here but you should briefly introduce which aspects of leadership

This section is where you outline what you will be examining in the proposal. It should be around 150-200 words in length and introduce your work as if to someone who is not familiar with the question. You shouldn’t go…

August 7th, 2023 | SUSS Assessment | SUSS TMA

Construction Measurement Advanced Civil & Structural Works Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Identify the relevant SMM clauses, describe and illustrate with diagrams and examples

Question 1 Identify the relevant SMM clauses, describe and illustrate with diagrams and examples how concrete slabs, beams, columns, and walls are to be measured if they are of similar and dissimilar grades. Question 2 Interpret Figures Q2.1 to Q2.3…

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