NCO102 Effective Writing, SUSS, Singapore: In your academic essay, choose an environmental or human rights issue that has emerged

Task 1 Write a 700-word academic essay in response to the question below. In your academic essay, choose an environmental or human rights issue that has emerged or worsened within a specific community during 2022, 2023, or 2024. Put forward…

January 22nd, 2024 | NCO102 SUSS

NCO102 Executive Writing Report, SUSS, Singapore: Write an executive summary with a topic from the provided list of datasets from the OECD.

Write an executive summary with a topic from the provided list of datasets from the OECD. Include the key components of Aim and Scope, Issue, Findings, as well as Conclusion and Recommendation. The word limit is 800 words. Use the…

October 25th, 2023 | Executive Writing Report | NCO102 SUSS
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