MKT367 – Social Marketing Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Imagine you are tasked with promoting “intercultural harmony” among full-time university

Question 1  Question 1 Imagine you are tasked with promoting “intercultural harmony” among full-time university students, answer the following questions. Question 1a Design one (1) behaviour objective, one (1) knowledge objective, and one (1) belief objective for this social marketing…

October 23rd, 2023 | MKT367: SUSS | Social Marketing Assignment

MKT367: Social Marketing Report, SUSS, Singapore You are to critically review and analyze a social and behavioral issue using consumer wisdom for a  program

Understand social and behavioral issues in regards to consumer wisdom and develop a practical social marketing plan to increase consumer wisdom on Cycling. You are to critically review and analyze a social and behavioral issue using consumer wisdom for a …