FIN551: Python Programming Assignment, HU, Singapore The Spearman rank correlation is used to evaluate the relationship between two variables X and Y are monotonic

The Spearman rank correlation is used to evaluate the relationship between two variables X and Y are monotonic. The rank correlation measures how closely related the ordering of one variable to the other variable is, with no regard to the…

September 28th, 2023 | FIN551 SUSS | Python Programming Assignment

FIN551: Python Programming Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Evaluate the buying and selling rates/prices of the stock using the long_MA and short_MA trading signals

Question 1 Evaluate the buying and selling rates/prices of the stock using the long_MA and short_MA trading signals. No shorting of stocks is allowed in the strategy, i.e. the trader can only sell the stock if she owned it in…

September 15th, 2023 | FIN551 ASSESSMENT | FIN551 SUSS
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