FIN312: Mathematics and Programming for FinTech Assignment, SUSS, Singapore The median, mode, and mean are basic statistical functions for data analytics. In this question, you will implement

1) The median, mode, and mean are basic statistical functions for data analytics. In this question, you will implement them in pure Python code without importing any packages. The following notations are used: v is a non-empty "list of numbers"…

September 28th, 2023 | FIN312: SUSS

FIN312: Mathematics and Programming for FinTech Assignment, SUSS, Singapore In Dice Game, you must run across a 140m bridge before it collapses. You are given two 6- sided dices with these numbers on their faces

In Dice Game, you must run across a 140m bridge before it collapses. You are given two 6- sided dices with these numbers on their faces: -8, -7, 1, 2, 7, 8 on the first dice -7, -2, 1, 3,…

September 27th, 2023 | FIN312: SUSS | Programming for FinTech

FIN312: Mathematics and Programming for FinTech Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Draw the payoff diagrams of portfolios 1 and 2 on the same figure, ignoring any transaction costs

Question 1 An investment analyst has formulated two investment portfolios consisting of options, based on his market outlook in the coming month. The options are held to expiry. Portfolio 1 is a portfolio holding 10 stock A call options struck…

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