September 2nd, 2023

BUS353: Project Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Assume you are a senior civil servant from the Ministry of National Development. You are seconded to and asked by the Task Force to carry out the CVC Project

Question 1 Assume you are a senior civil servant from the Ministry of National Development. You are seconded to and asked by the Task Force…

June 29th, 2023

BUS353: Project Management Dissertation, SUSS, Singapore Provide evidence of the background reading and research you have done to inform your choice of topic

Introduction  Provide evidence of the background reading and research you have done to inform your choice of topic. This should be clearly understandable and informative.…

June 12th, 2023

BUS353: Project Management Assignment, SUSS, Assignment Replacing Stadium Lighting System, Developing a Project Plan and Managing Project Risk

Project: Replacing Stadium Lighting System Background The Country Sports Council (CSC) is a statuary board under the Ministry of Community. Its mission is to empower…

Tags:- BUS353 SUSS project management
October 1st, 2022

BUS353 Project Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore You are a Project Manager at an IT Development Company You have been assigned to deliver a project that is worth a $500,000 fixed price

Description: You are a Project Manager at an IT Development Company. You have been assigned to deliver a project that is worth a $500,000 fixed…

September 20th, 2022

BUS353 SUSS: Project Management Case Study Singapore

Assessment: Case Study Analysis Choose ONLY ONE of the case study below to analyze Boeing 787 development OR Crossrail implementation on London’s tube network You…