Posted on: 11th Aug 2023
Social Gerentology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Discuss the concept of employment in later life, employment trends of older adults in Singapore, and the importance of employment
You will need to address the following guiding points for this assignment:
- Discuss the concept of employment in later life, employment trends of older adults in Singapore, and the importance of employment for older adults and ageing societies including Singapore.
- Discuss the levels, patterns and behaviours of employment of the interviewees based on their responses. Information to be discussed may include their employment skills, employment histories, reasons for taking up or continuing employment, and job roles and statuses.
- Examine how sociodemographic factors such as gender, culture and/or social class could influence the interviewees’ employment levels, patterns and behaviours you have found for point 2 above. Also, discuss how these sociodemographic factors could have created barriers and opportunities for the interviewees in employment.
- Apply any concepts, theories or theoretical frameworks you have learnt from social gerontology to develop the explanation of the employment levels, patterns and behaviours of the interviewees.
- Appraise ONE current relevant policy or legislation or program in terms of promoting employment amongst older adults in Singapore. Discuss how this policy or legislation could help or hinder efforts to promote employment for the interviewees.
- Finally, examine how employment has influenced the well-being and quality of life of the interviewees in a positive or negative way.
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