HRM335 Leadership Development TMA01: A Personal Leadership Metaphor and Action Plan
University | Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS) |
Subject | Leadership Development |
This assignment is worth 15% of the final mark for HRM335 Leadership Development.
The cut-off date for this assignment is 5 March 2025 (Wednesday), 2355hrs.
Instructor: Dr Wang Jiunwen
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office Location: Block B 6th Floor
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• Title of this course, your name and PI number.
• Tutorial group.
• Academic Integrity Declaration Statement:
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1. This assignment is my own work, unless otherwise acknowledged or credited by appropriate referencing.
2. I have/have not used* generative artificial intelligence (AI) in this assignment. Any use of generative AI tools must be reported using Table A and placed in the reference section with proper citations and references.
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All written work is required to be referenced. That is, formally acknowledging the source of ideas, quotes, or facts gained from other authors and which are used directly or indirectly in the text of your papers. The American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style must be used for all in-text citations, references, figures, and tables. For more information, you may refer to
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Software application tools that use generative AI or similar CANNOT be used to write or answer your assignments. These tools are non-exhaustive and includes ChatGPT, Qwillo, Grammarly, Microsoft Co-pilot, Gemini, Quillbot, and others. If you have declared the usage of generative AI in the academic integrity declaration statement in the cover page of your assignment, declaration, you will need to complete the Generative AI Attribution Table as
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Table A
Attribution Table
SN | Tool | Purposea | Exact Prompt Usedb | Output Usedc |
1 | Name of Application Tool |
Provide purpose | Provide the full prompt used | In-text citation must be provided that includes the SN in this table and retain the output with timestamp included. |
a.Purposes are non-exhaustive but can include brainstorming, researching, generating outlines, improving grammar.
b.Students must provide documentation of the results of prompts used. If tool is used to improve grammar, students must save the original file as evidence of original work.
c.Students must provide appropriate in-text citation and references in the assignment.
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Please note the following:
The use of software application tool with Generative AI is a learning aid. These tools are nonexhaustive and includes ChatGPT, Qwillo, Grammarly, Microsoft Co-pilot, Gemini, Quillbot and others These tools CANNOT be used to write or answer your assignments and are NOT a substitute for critical thinking or original work. All students must complete this table if any such tools were used during the research and writing of the assignment. Failure to provide complete information will be sufficient grounds for academic dishonesty and penalties will be awarded.
Formatting Instructions
The assignment is to be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) with the following format:
• Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size: 12 point
• Line spacing: 1.5 lines
• Margin: 1” all round
• Paragraph Alignment: Justified
Introduction to this Tutor-Marked Assignment
This TMA is designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself. True leadership can only happen when you are aware of your values, weaknesses and strengths. In this TMA, you will construct your own metaphor of leadership. Your personal metaphor can guide you in your journey as a leader both in school, in the workplace and in life.
This TMA01 is structured into 3 parts:
TMA01 Parts | Agenda | Marks and Word Count |
Part 1 | My Personal Leadership Metaphor | 60 marks Max 200 words |
Part 2 | My action plan | 30 marks Max 700 words |
Part 3 | Reflection on assignment | 10 marks Max 500 words |
Part 1: My Personal Leadership Metaphor
Objective: Create a unique and reflective metaphor that represents your approach to leadership, grounded in your personal values, personality, and strengths.
Assignment Overview: In this assignment, you will develop a personal metaphor that symbolises your leadership style. This metaphor should be a creative comparison that embodies who you are as a leader, how your values guide your decisions, how your personality shapes your interactions, and how your strengths support your leadership journey.
▪ Evaluate Yourself:
a) Think about your core values. What beliefs guide your leadership decisions?
b) Find out more about your own personality via the following
c) Identify your top 3 key strengths. What unique qualities do you bring to a team or group? You can use the following link, or any other strengths test you have done before.
▪ Create Your Metaphor:
▪ Develop a metaphor that encapsulates your leadership. It could be an object, an animal, a process, a role, or anything that symbolizes how you lead.
▪ Find a digital image, photograph, or create an image of this metaphor.
▪ For example, you might see yourself as a gardener who nurtures growth or a
compass that guides others.
▪ Ensure that your metaphor clearly relates to your values, personality, and
▪ Explain Your Metaphor:
▪ Write a 2000 words reflection explaining your metaphor. Address the following
▪ What are your values?
▪ What is your personality like?
▪ What are your key strengths?
▪ What is your chosen metaphor and why?
▪ How does this metaphor connect to your core values?
▪ How does it align with your personality traits?
▪ In what ways do your strengths support or are represented by this
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Note on the Leadership Metaphor
A leadership philosophy is a highly personal statement. There are no right or wrong answers. It is a reflection of you as a unique person, and your personal aspiration in regards to the kind of leader you want to be. You will also not be evaluated on the quality or creativity of the image you have selected or chosen. Rather, you would be evaluated on how well you have integrated the image and metaphor into your conception of leadership and self, and how it sheds new light on you as a leader. The most important is the meaning afforded behind the image, as opposed to how “nice”, or “pretty” the image is.
Marking Rubric of Leadership Metaphor
Component | Description of Component and some Tips | Marks |
SelfUnderstanding | A good leadership philosophy should reflect a deep understanding of the self. Rather than merely describing the self based on values, and knowledge on own personality, strength and weaknesses, a good write-up should reflect deeper understanding of the self, including new insights. You are welcome to disagree with your test results too, and are encouraged to explore the extent to which you embrace or still question the new self-knowledge you have gained. 5 marks for values 5 marks for personality 5 marks for strengths | 15 |
Development and explanation of metaphor | The image you choose or create should represent your aspirations as a leader. You will not be graded on the beauty of the image you have chosen or created. Rather, you will be evaluated on the meaning of the image, especially in relation to your aspirations as a leader. The image should be relevant to how you understand and see yourself. Common images or metaphors people have come up with are leader as a bridge, leader as a servant, leader as a connector, leader as a lighthouse. Please feel free to find the image that most represents your aspirations as a leader. For an excellent answer, the metaphor is creative, original, and well-developed. Clearly and thoughtfully explained, with strong connections to leadership concepts. An excellent answer demonstrates insight into what the metaphor conveys about the student’s perspective on leadership. | 15 |
Connection to Personality, Values, and Strengths | An excellent answer should highlight how the metaphor is relevant and appropriate in relation to one’s values, strengths and personality. An excellent answer thoughtfully connects the metaphor to your personality, values, and strengths. Analysis is deep, specific, and well-supported with examples or personal experiences. Clear links are made between the metaphor and how these traits influence their approach to leadership. | 15 |
Critical Reflection on Leadership Theories in Light of the Metaphor |
An excellent answer demonstrates a deep and critical reflection on leadership theories, drawing clear and insightful connections to the metaphor. Provides thoughtful evaluation of how the metaphor supports, challenges, or expands on key leadership theories. Analysis shows a strong understanding of theoretical concepts. |
15 |
Part 2: Come up with an action plan to support your leadership style (max 700 words):
▪ Develop Your Action Plan:
• Create a detailed plan on how you will embody your leadership metaphor in your academic, professional, or personal life.
• Specify 2 concrete actions you will take to incorporate this metaphor into your leadership practice.
• Align Actions with Values, Personality, and Strengths:
• Explain how each action reflects your core values.
• Describe how your personality traits will support these actions.
• Highlight the strengths that will help you implement your plan effectively.
• Set Goals and Milestones:
• Identify short-term and long-term goals related to your leadership growth.
Item | Description of Excellent Answer | Marks |
2 Action | An excellent answer will specify 2 concrete actions that you will take to incorporate this metaphor into your leadership practice. The actions should be relevant and appropriate to your choice of metaphor of leadership. 5 marks for each action. | 10 Marks |
Alignment with values, personalities and strengths | For an excellent answer, actions are thoroughly aligned with your values, personality, and strengths, with detailed explanations. | 10 Marks |
Goals and milestones | Goals and milestones are clearly defined, achievable, and demonstrate a thoughtful approach to tracking progress. | 10 Marks |
Part 3 (10 Marks): Reflection on Assignment
Reflect on the assignment in Part 1 where you have chosen a metaphor and reflected on your leadership philosophy. In 500 words, describe how the chosen metaphor will help you in your leadership journey. You can also use the following as guiding questions in this part of the TMA.
1) What do I like about the assignment in part 1?
2) How has the metaphor I chose given me new insights into leadership and myself?
3) What new things have I learned about myself through the assignment in part 1? Word count: 500 words Marking Rubric for Part 3 of TMA (Reflection on Metaphor Assignment)
Component | Description of Component and some Tips | Marks |
Depth of Reflection and Analysis | A good reflection on the assignment would describe how you have learned from doing the leadership philosophy assignment, including how the metaphor will help you in your future leadership journey. You should demonstrate depth of thinking, critical analysis and meta-awareness of what you have learned from creating your leadership philosophy. | 10 |
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