HFSY217: Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning, Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Apply the emergency management principles and concepts to lead workplace emergency planning
University | Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS) |
Subject | HFSY217 Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning |
Question 1
This end-of-course project aims to gauge your ability to (1) apply the emergency management principles and concepts to lead workplace emergency planning; (2) examine the degree and extent of planning required given the workplace hazards and environment; (3) analyse the response strategy and examine the capacity building requirements in term of resources and training needs; and (4) illustrate the desired outcomes of an effective emergency preparedness and response planning with the development of the premise emergency response plan in accordance to the requirements of the authority in your selected workplace premise.
As the designated premise’s operation director, you are the chairman of the workplace safety and health (WSH) committee. The top management tasked the WSH Committee to oversee the build-up of the premise’s emergency preparedness. In this assessment, you are to report on how the premise’s WSH Committee and emergency planning team are organized, how potential hazard-scenarios in the premise are determined as well as how the required resources and competencies of the premise’s company emergency response team (Premise-CERT) are established. Explain how the required premise emergency response plan (Premise-ERP) is formulated and demonstrate your understanding of the emergency preparedness and response planning approach by doing the following:
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(a) Select a premise of your choice from (1) a 5-storey nursing home, or (2) a 68- storey commercial office tower.
(b) Assume the role of the property manager of the selected premises. Examine how the work-premises WSH committee and emergency planning team (comprising representatives from within the entire work-premise, including associated tenant/occupiers and their respective business operations) should be organised.
(c) Describe and discuss the associated business activities within the selected workpremise and identify the potential hazard-scenarios that may pose a threat to life and property.
(d) Examine the required evacuation and intervention strategies for the selected premise. Use the SCDF’s National CERT Standard and Guidelines to analyse the work-premise tier-level, required competencies of the Premise-CERT, equipping, and training. This should include the premise’s incident management team (IMT), company emergency response team (CERT), evacuation warden team (EWT), in-place protection team (IPPT), emergency assembly area team (EAAT), traffic warden team (TWT), and disaster recovery management team (DRMT).
(e) Describe how the Premise-ERP is formulated and develop the Premise-ERP for the selected work-premise (as an attachment to the main report) using the format and guidelines stipulated by the SCDF (with site layout plan, schematic drawing, etc).
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