MN3456K Advertising And Promotion Assessment 2: Individual Report
University | Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL) |
Subject | advertising and promotion |
- Company Name: Happy Pawsurance Pte Ltd
- Motto: Happy Pets Insured, Pawtection for Life
- Pets Involved: Cats and Dogs
- Color Theme: Dark Blue, Black, White
1. What is being advertised
Happy Pawsurance is a provider of pet insurance. The advertisement increases awareness, and promotes pet insurance that provides financial coverage for veterinary care in emergencies. The concept emphasizes providing emotional security and affordable insurance to pet owners. The logo features sleek design with a dog and cat which symbolizes the type of pet coverage, and the insurance is non-fuss and straight to the point. The visual identity uses blue which represents trustworthy and calming, appealing to audiences who are seeking reliability and compassion.
2. What is the problem that this ad will help to solve?
Despitemany pet owners are unaware of the existence of pet insurance and often worry about the financial burden of unexpected veterinary bills. Even if they knew of pet insurance, it is often viewed as a luxury and expensive. Happy Pawsurance aims to address this by positioning itself as a dependable, budget-friendly solution, and at the same time, inform the public about the existence of pet insurance. This advertisement specifically states that the price of insurance is as low as one cup of coffee per week, emphasizing affordability.
3. What is the advertising strategy?
The objective is to establish Happy Pawsurance as the go-to pet insurance provider. Targeted at customers who want straightforward and fuss-free insurance coverage. The strategy is to create an emotional connection with the viewers, showing the happiness pets bring to families as well as the immense responsibility of pet owners, then showing the high costs and anxiety caused by emergencies, and lastly the relief of having pet insurance. By evoking these emotions, such as anxiety, guilt, and urgency, the ad motivates viewers to take action immediately to safeguard their pets’ health.
4. Outline the creative strategy
The short 30-second video is designed to take viewers on an emotional journey, while keeping it short and fast paced to retain viewer’s attention.
The opening scene depicts a funny video of a cat with cheerful music. Showing how goofy pets are and how much joy they bring into our lives.
The heartwarming video then suddenly shifts into a grayscale imagery of a pet in a veterinary hospital with the screen displaying the question “ But are you ready when they need you?”. The music becomes slow and sorrowful.
The final scene is a happy uplifting video clip of a couple walking their healthy cheerful dog.
The visual balances emotional appeal and practical messaging.
5. Who is the target audience?
The targeted audience are mostly pet owners aged 25-50, primarily Millennials and Gen Z with middle-class disposable income but have significant financial commitments.
Psychographic: Emotionally invested in their pets, viewing them as important as family members but at the same time values financial security.
Geographic: These owners usually stay in urban areas where veterinary costs are higher and value the well-being of their pets.
Behavioral Traits: likely to use social media, often view pet related contents, and accepting of digital solutions for app-based claim processing.
6. Which medium/media channels and vehicles will carry the ad?
The ad would be played on social media, mainly TikTok, followed by Instagram and Facebook. These channels would fit perfectly for the targeted audience as it targets the specific age group, interest, and openness in technology.
7. What must the target consumers think, feel or do as a result of seeing/hearing the ad?
The targeted consumer must think that having insurance for their pet is not a luxury, it is a must and is affordable. Plus they should also feel a sense of urgency, knowing that accidents and illnesses are unpredictable. As a result of seeing the ad, they should click on the provided link in the description to read up more information, ask for a quote, or forward this video to their friends who have pets as well and notifying them of the existence of pet insurance and get a discount after doing their own application, sort of a referral system.
8. Why will they believe whatever it is the ad is suggesting?
The ad builds trust by showing relatable scenarios that resonate with pet owners, thus the goofy cat video at the start as a hook. And emphasising on the high costs of veterinarian costs, with a real photo of a cat being sick and inside the hospital. Real costs of the procedures are included as well.
Assessment Brief Coursework 2: Individual Report
1. Assessment 2 Overview
- Title: Produce an individual report
- Type: Written report
- Weighting: 70%
- Word Count/Duration: 2,500 words maximum
- Submission Deadline: Monday 13th January, 2025
2. Learning Outcomes and Skills
The Module gave you the opportunity to explore the following ideas and concepts in depth:
By the end of the course students should be able to:
- Assess how promotional campaigns are constructed by advertising agencies in the media convergence era
- Demonstrate awareness of the nuances of the creative advertising development process by undertaking a group task to create a visual promotion
- Analyse the complexity and salience of ethical issues in marketing and advertising, especially with respect to the wider social influence
- Deconstruct promotional communications in terms of their likely intended segmentation and positioning rationale
3. Assessment Task – In Detail
Drawing on your experience in assessment 1 and also referencing wider literature sources, respond to the following five questions: circa 500 words per section, overall word limit 2,500 words. Each response should place your experience in assessment 1 in the wider context of the issues for the ad industry. You are encouraged to be critical and realistic in your response to each question.
- Section 1: What did your team advertise and how successful do you feel the result was?
- Section 2: What did the exercise help you to learn about advertising strategy development?
- Section 3: What did the exercise help you to learn about the advertising creative development process?
- Section 4: What was the media plan for your advertisement and how successful do you feel that it could be?
- Section 5: Were there ethical issues around the ad and how might these be addressed?
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The five sections are discrete. You will have to be selective and succinct in addressing each issue. Your work should be fully referenced in Harvard academic style. You may also reference trade press and industry blog pieces. NB if you use the same form of words as used in the group submission, or as used by other assessment 2 submissions, you risk the passage being flagged by Turnitin, so please ensure that you express your ideas in your own words. If you need to use direct quotes, make sure to reference these correctly i.e. place them in double quotation marks, with author, date, in brackets.
This report is to be structured in response to five discrete headings (listed below) each of up to 500 words, with just one reference list at the end of the whole report for all five sections. You can apply a little flexibility to the suggested word count, e.g. by making one section 400 words and another 600. However, you must respond to all sections.
*The word limit for the whole project is 2,500 excluding the list of references at the end of the work.
Each section is assessed on:
Writing craft (clarity, grammar, spelling) and quality/depth/breadth of citations.
Quality of insights and arguments, logical coherence, plausibility, current relevance Grasp of issues/accuracy with which arguments are articulated and applied.
Indicative rubric for the individual report
Pass (40% +):
The submission clearly attempts to address the five sections as required, and there is a reference list at the end.
Writing craft (clarity, grammar, spelling) and quality of citation style may be uneven: there may be errors of grammar/spelling, some lack of clarity. Cited works may be inappropriate, old or of dubious quality (for example, Wikipedia type sources are of dubious quality).
Quality of insights and arguments, logical coherence, plausibility, current relevance: all of these may be mediocre, suggesting that there was inadequate/poor understanding of the course material and key concepts.
Grasp of issues/accuracy with which theories are articulated and applied: there may be some errors of understanding evident in expositions of various theoretical or practical positions
Good pass (50%+)
As above, and the submission clearly addresses the five sections as required, and there is a reference list at the end. The format and citation style are broadly appropriate (i.e. Harvard style).
Writing craft (clarity, grammar, spelling) and quality of citation style are acceptable. Cited works may be inappropriate, old or of dubious quality
Quality of insights and arguments, logical coherence, plausibility, current relevance: all of these may be uneven, but broadly acceptable.
Grasp of issues/accuracy with which theories are articulated and applied: there may be some minor errors of understanding evident in expositions of various theoretical or practical positions
Very good pass (60%+)
The submission clearly addresses the five sections as required, and there is a reference list at the end. The format and citation style are broadly accurate (i.e. Harvard style).
Writing craft (clarity, grammar, spelling) and quality of citation style are very good. Cited works are appropriate, there is a range of older and more recent work cited, and the cited works are credible i.e. mainly published academic research studies, academic books, good trade press sources e.g. Campaign, Admap, or other good sources e.g. academic research talks or practitioner talks on YouTube.
Quality of insights and arguments, logical coherence, plausibility, current relevance: all of these are good: the discussion flows logically and coherently.
Grasp of issues/accuracy with which theories are articulated and applied: the exposition of theoretical or practical issues is plausible and fluent.
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Excellent pass: 70%+
The submission clearly addresses the five sections as required, and there is a reference list at the end that is orderly and accurate, and in an appropriate style.
Writing craft (clarity, grammar, spelling) and quality of citation style are excellent. Cited works are appropriate, there is a range of older and more recent work cited, and the cited works are credible i.e. mainly published academic research studies, academic books, good trade press sources e.g. Campaign, Admap, or other good sources e.g. academic research talks or practitioner talks on YouTube.
Quality of insights and arguments, logical coherence, plausibility, current relevance: all of these are excellent: the discussion flows logically and coherently, and there may be some novelty in the chosen insights and lines of argument.
Grasp of issues/accuracy with which theories are articulated and applied: the exposition of theoretical or practical issues is composed, plausible and fluent.
4. Use of AI
For the University regulations and procedures on AI use, visit here. Remember, that if you are not permitted to use AI and you use it, this will be treated in the same way as all other academic misconduct offences. For information and guidance on academic misconduct, visit here. If you are unclear, do talk to your Module Leader.
If you are permitted or encouraged to use AI, there are some suggested tools in Appendix 1 which can help to improve your work. This is by no means a comprehensive list.
5. Assessment Marking Criteria
Your work will be assessed based on [enter the key elements of your rubric here], you can find the full marking criteria on Moodle:
[example, enter your own detail in table]
6. Inclusive Learning Support
We are committed to supporting all learners. Contact your Module Leader [Name, Email] to discuss any specific accommodations you may need throughout your study on the Module. If there are any topics you wish to discuss that go beyond your module but impact your learning, please get in touch with our Vice Dean for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, Anica Zeyen, at For all types of support, see Appendix 2.
7. Assessment Planning: SUPER PLAN
Make sure you start planning your assessment well in advance of the due date. You may wish to adopt the School of Business & Management SUPER PLAN framework. (Description included in ALT text)
- S – Study the assessment brief carefully making sure you understand the assessment requirements. Read the marking rubric carefully.
- U – Unleash ideas: Generate and explore potential topics or approaches to the assessment. Make a note of your ideas.
- P – Pursue research: gather and evaluate relevant sources and information.
- E – Establish thesis: create a clear main argument or thesis statement that addresses the assessment brief. Draw this out.
- R – Roadmap the structure: outline the structure of the assessment, section by section.
- P – Plan time management: break the assessment into smaller tasks and set yourself mini-deadlines.
- L – Layout the draft: write/record/create a rough draft of the assessment.
- A – Amend and improve: review your work, checking against the rubric, then improve, and polish your work.
- N – Nail the final details: conduct a final review to ensure all requirements are met and the assessment is ready for submission.
8. Feedback on your Assessment
You will receive a grade and written feedback for all coursework, the feedback will highlight areas of work which have been well executed and areas requiring improvement. You will then need to reflect on this information and act on it in future assessments to help you build on previous work. This way, you should be able to progressively improve as you work through your degree.
9. Academic Regulations
Ensure your work adheres to the University’s academic regulations policy. Details can be found here.
10. Submission
Once you have completed your assessment and are ready to submit, check the following before making your submission to Turnitin:
Submission Checklist
- ✔ Met word count/duration requirement
- ✔ Included correct citations and reference list
- ✔ Addressed all parts of the assessment brief
- ✔ Demonstrated skills being assessed
- ✔ Proofread for grammar and spelling errors
- ✔ Formatted according to required style guide
- ✔ Acknowledged the use of AI (where AI usage is explicitly required)
- ✔ Checked submission is in format/file required (e.g. PDF, Panopto, PowerPoint)
- ✔ Checked use of correct submission box on Moodle
- ✔ Opened and checked you have uploaded the correct file once uploadedOnce you have checked all of the above, you are ready to submit. Make sure you submit well in advance of the deadline to avoid risk of late penalties.
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Appendix 1: AI tools for students and researchers
For Design and Images
- Image generator: Icons8
- Gradient generator: My Color Hub
- Colour Palette generator: Colors
- Remove image background: Remove bg
- Infographic Generator: Piktochart
- Design and infographic production: Canva
For Audio and Video
- Sound generator: Eleven Labs Sound Generator
- Audio clean up: Eleven Labs Voice Isolator
- Transcription: Speech-to-Text (first 60 minutes free per month)
- For translation: Cloud Translation API (first 500,000 characters free per month)
- Writing assistance: Grammarly
- Read aloud (great for proofreading): Speechify
- Copywriting: unbounce
Summary and Analysis
- To complete simple research tasks and summarising texts: Chat GBT
- For visual analysis: Cloud Vision (first 1,000 units free per month)
- Explain concepts: Chat PDF
- Summarise YouTube videos: Summarize Tech
- Summarise long texts: Claude
Admin and Other
- Scheduling: ReclaimAI
- Meeting notes and summaries: Otter-ai
- Task management: Taskade
- For preparing presentations: Plus AI
- For coding support: Gemini Code Assist (free until 8 December 2024)
Neurodivergence-Friendly Options
- Meeting notes and summaries:
- Write within guidelines provided: Writer
- Ask for help on the next step: Chameleon
- Mindmapping: Gitmind
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