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BSE207: Exercise Physiology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Examine THREE (3) health-related components of physical fitness and THREE (3) skill-related components of physical

Question 1 Examine THREE (3) health-related components of physical fitness and THREE (3) skill-related components of physical fitness that are used to describe an athlete’s fitness assessment. Identify and explain TWO (2) valid testing protocols that will be used to…

TAX521: OECD Model Tax Convention Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Daniel and Dominic are brothers from a well-to-do Malaysian family in Johor Bahru. Both are Malaysian citizens

Daniel and Dominic are brothers from a well-to-do Malaysian family in Johor Bahru. Both are Malaysian citizens. Both brothers were successfully accepted by universities in Singapore. Daniel enrolled in a business management and finance course; Dominic studied botany. When both…

BSE207: Exercise Physiology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Compare the V̇O2max (ml/kg/min) values of TWO (2) team members between the Bruce and Ebbeling Submaximal

Question 1 (a) Discussion: Compare the V̇O2max (ml/kg/min) values of TWO (2) team members between the Bruce and Ebbeling Submaximal Protocol GXTs OR between the Åstrand-Ryhming Cycle Ergometer Submaximal Exercise Test Protocol and PWC-170 Cycle Test. Evaluate the TWO (2)…

COM203: Consulting and Freelancing Assignment, MU, Singapore Diah Designs is a visual art and design agency that assists clients in realizing their creative vision. Run by sole-trader

Diah Designs is a visual art and design agency that assists clients in realizing their creative vision. Run by sole-trader John Doe, Diah Designs is a mobile business that specializes in mural art installations for commercial, and private customers. Customers…

HE3020 International Economics Assignment, NIM, Singapore: In 1986, The Economist came up with the Big Mac index as a digestible illustration of exchange rate determination

Question 1 In 1986, The Economist came up with the Big Mac index as a digestible illustration of exchange rate determination. This index has persisted over the years as a thought experiment till today. Using data from July 2022, the…

NURS6003: Clinical Management Essay, ASU, Singapore Nurse-led clinics have been established in a variety of clinical settings across many jurisdictions. The rationale for creating

Nurse-led clinics have been established in a variety of clinical settings across many jurisdictions. The rationale for creating nurse-led clinics may vary, the evidence however, to date has clearly demonstrated the benefits that include; improved health outcomes, improved access to…

FIN523: Wealth Management and Investment Products Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Choose a publicly traded company on a mainstream exchange with international or regional influence

Choose a publicly traded company on a mainstream exchange with international or regional influence (e.g. SGX, NYSE, NASDAQ, HKEX, etc.) and write a research report with a buy, sell, or hold recommendation. The recommendation (buy, sell, hold, overweight, underweight, etc.)…

Managing a Global Business Case Study, AIC, Singapore In early 2016, Orpea Group (Orpea) opened its first facility in China in Nanjing, Jiangsu. At that time, Orpea, based in France

In early 2016, Orpea Group (Orpea) opened its first facility in China in Nanjing, Jiangsu. At that time, Orpea, based in France, was the European leader in long-term care—nursing homes, post-acute and rehabilitation hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and home care services—with…

International Business Case Study, CU, Singapore: In recent years, several tech start-ups have grown in size and scale to become dominant players in the modern global economy

In recent years, several tech start-ups have grown in size and scale to become dominant players in the modern global economy. Amongst these are Lyft Inc and Uber Inc, both American tech startups offering ridesharing services. Lyft was launched in…

May 1st, 2023

OMGT2229 Strategic Supply Chain Case Study, RMIT, Singapore: At the end of 2022, Peter Parker and his management team were busy evaluating the performance

At the end of 2022, Peter Parker and his management team were busy evaluating the performance of for the year. Total demand had grown by over 2200 percent since the business began in 2013. This growth, however, was a…

BPM309: Cost Management for M&E Works Assignment, SUSS, Singapore An M&E Engineer prepares the tender drawings (Figure Q1.1) for a hose reel and dry riser system

Question 1 An M&E Engineer prepares the tender drawings (Figure Q1.1) for a hose reel and dry riser system. Briefly describe the scope of works of the fire protection system to be installed and illustrate the associated measurement rules and…

ACC08702 Managerial Finance Assignment, NTU, Singapore KrisEnergy Company Limited is involved in searching for locations to drill for oil. The company holds oil exploration

KrisEnergy Company Limited is involved in searching for locations to drill for oil. The company holds oil exploration rights with 13 licenses in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam covering a gross acreage of approximately 33,124 sq. km. It operates…

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