Find Solved Questions for Different Singapore Universities

Hotel management Assignment, SP, Singapore Identify an Asian hotel company to critically examine its international growth model and strategies

1. Identify an Asian hotel company to critically examine its international growth model and strategies. 2. Review current academic works and critically analyze the key issues that Asian hotels face while growing internationally. 3. Critically examine the chosen Asian hotel…

Air Transport Management Assignment, SIT, Singapore Write a journal article and This assignment tests your ability to design a research project, create your own questionnaire, analyze data

Write a journal article This assignment tests your ability to design a research project, create your own questionnaire, analyze data, and write up how you did so in a style consistent with a proper aviation management journal article. Make sure…


OHSE3630: Hygiene And Toxicology 2 Report, UoN, Singapore: AXTF Metalworks Pte Ltd manufactures metal components for a variety of industries.

AXTF Metalworks Pte Ltd manufactures metal components for a variety of industries. Recently, they have expanded their business to include trading and sale of metal products. With the new company, they increased their headcount from 50 to 120 employees. Of…

July 14th, 2023

Quantum Physics Assignment, NTU, Singapore Determine the change in the radiation intensity and Xma. of the thermal radiation from a black body if its temperature

Determine the change in the radiation intensity and Xma. of the thermal radiation from a black body if its temperature increases from 1000 "C to 1001 °C. An incident energetic photon is scattered by a free electron initially at rest.…

July 14th, 2023 | ASSIGNMENT NTU | Physics Assignment

Psychology Assignment, TP, Singapore Using your PSY391 peers as a point of comparison, what do your scores on the 120-item IPIP by Maples et al. (2014) suggest

Using your PSY391 peers as a point of comparison, what do your scores on the 120-item IPIP by Maples et al. (2014) suggest about the five major trait domains of your personality? Based on findings from published academic literature, what…


System Administration and Security Essay, TP, Singapore Explain the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Describe a method of asymmetric encryption

Explain the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Describe a method of asymmetric encryption, and discuss the vulnerabilities of it. Assume a public key for RSA encryption given by the pair (143,11). Find the private key corresponding to this pair.…

July 14th, 2023 | Security Essay | TP ESSAY

Java Eclipse Assignment, HCC, Singapore PS Group is a company providing utility services to households in Singapore. It supplies cooking gas, electricity, and water

PS Group is a company providing utility services to households in Singapore. It supplies cooking gas, electricity, and water. To improve efficiency, the company has decided to introduce a utility billing program* for its customers. The program allows customers to…

July 14th, 2023 | HCC ASSESSMENT | Java Eclipse HCC

Fatigue on Elderly Employees Research Paper, ARU, Singapore: It is sound academic practice to acknowledge sources you have used for compiling a piece of work

It is sound academic practice to acknowledge sources you have used for compiling a piece of work. It is essential that you do not pass off the work of others, as your own. Failing to reference appropriately could result in…

July 14th, 2023

BCPD001: Business Environment Essay, TP, Singapore The main objectives of this assignment/project are to heighten your awareness of some of the laws in Singapore

The main objectives of this assignment/project are to heighten your awareness of some of the laws in Singapore and appreciate the involvement of law in everyday life. The true success of this project goes beyond the grade you will get…

July 13th, 2023 | BCPD001 TP | TP ESSAY

Sustainable Shipping Essay, NTU, Singapore Make a proposal for a wind-assisted propulsion system for a 60000 TDW bulk carrier. Discuss Choice of system and integration

Make a proposal for a wind-assisted propulsion system for a 60000 TDW bulk carrier. Discuss Choice of system and integration into the overall design, Required modifications for ship design and operation, as applicable, Business case, justifying assumptions for CAPEX and…

July 13th, 2023 | NTU ESSAY

Applied Psychology Case Study, NTU, Singapore Some student leaders have come to ask you for help. They work with a student care facility in the district, mentoring younger

Some student leaders have come to ask you for help. They work with a student care facility in the district, mentoring younger students from disadvantaged families who need help with schoolwork. These young students are discouraged by their own performance…

July 13th, 2023 | NTU CASE STUDY | Psychology NTU

Manage WSH in Construction Industry Assignment, SP, Singapore The project involved the construction of a 12m high x 24m long iconic junction gateway arch, with the two legs

The project involved the construction of a 12m high x 24m long iconic junction gateway arch, with the two legs of the arch separated and diagonally placed on a pile cap between the corner of the Joo Chiat Road and…

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