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NCO201: Learn To Learn, Learn For Life Tutor-Marked Assignment 2, SUSS, Singapore: Self-reflection is a critical part of learning. By looking back at your process and analysing
Question Write a reflection on your learning plan. Self-reflection is a critical part of learning. By looking back at your process and analysing your decisions, you can evaluate components or actions and how they contributed to learning and progress. Identifying…
BPM301: LCC and Sustainable Design and Construction Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: A developer is building a new 3-storey sports complex on a 10-year leasehold land
Question 1 A developer is building a new 3-storey sports complex on a 10-year leasehold land, with facilities for intensive community sports, eg. Rooftop futsal courts, Training gym rooms, high-intensity exercise, trampoline facility etc. (a) State the FOUR (4) principles…
PSY173: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods Report, MU, Singapore: The assignment consists of designing a simulated psychological experiment, analysing those data
Overview of the assessment The assignment consists of designing a simulated psychological experiment, analysing those data (including a graph), and presenting a research report of maximum 1000 words that follows the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological…
MBA Assignment, UOM, Singapore: International financial reporting standards set out the requirements and recognition criteria
Question 2 International financial reporting standards set out the requirements and recognition criteria for what is included within the statement of financial position, and the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income. Through an analysis and application of…
MBA Assignment, UOM, Singapore: You are asked to undertake a financial ratio analysis of your chosen organisation
Question 1 You are asked to undertake a financial ratio analysis of your chosen organisation. You should follow the conventions outlined at the virtual workshops to undertake this analysis and present the results visually, in no more than three figures/graphs.…
Managerial accounting Home Work, SUSS, Singapore: HomeChef sources its ingredients from local producers and thus charges a premium
The Company – HomeChef Pte Ltd (HomeChef) HomeChef was founded by David Chua five years ago, selling ready-to-cook meal kits. The company noticed a need for ready-to-cook food options as most meal kits in the market are either laden with…
MNO3701: Develop your critical thinking and analytical skills through an analysis of a current: Human Capital Management Essay, NUS
CA2 Written Assignment 25% The aim of this assignment is to develop your critical thinking and analytical skills through an analysis of a current, real-world situation that has relevance to HCM. You are to look for another student to pair…
Wills and Estate Individual Assignment, KU, Singapore: You were informed by Keith’s close friend that Keith suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder
Assignment question Keith made a valid will 6 months before he died in a car accident. The following is an extract from his will: “I, Keith Lim Chee Guan of 2 Mersing Road, Singapore 123456 declare this to be my…
PSY259: Personality and Individual Differences Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: This ECA requires you to analyse a case study as well as to conduct an observational practice over ten days
Question 1 This ECA requires you to analyse a case study as well as to conduct an observational practice over ten days to complement your evaluation of the case study. The final paper, including in-text citations and excluding references and…
ARBE2308: Cost Planning & Estimating Assignment, Singapore: You have been working for a couple of years at QS2301 & Associates Pty Limited
ASSESSMENT 2 – PROJECT SCENARIO You have been working for a couple of years at QS2301 & Associates Pty Limited, a prestigious organisation of elite Quantity Surveyors. The Managing Director of QS2301 & Associates Pty Limited, Dr Andrew Quentin Stihlwasser…
ACCT2062: Financila Accounting & Analysis Assignment, Financial Accounting and Analysis Assignment, RMIT, Singapore: You need to create and access a 30-day free Xero Trial file to complete the requirements of this assessment
1. Access 30-day free ‘Xero Trial’ to complete this assessment. You need to create and access a 30-day free Xero Trial file to complete the requirements of this assessment. It is strongly recommended that you complete all the assessment requirements…
CC0003: Ethics and civics in a multicultural world Assignment, NTU, Singapore: Multiculturalism has made important contributions to the development of a mature society
Multiculturalism has made important contributions to the development of a mature society but careful navigation of sensitive issues, such as microaggressions and discrimination, must be avoided so as to ensure it doesn't compromise social unity. Do you agree with this…
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- Math255 Mathematics for Computing Assignment: Questions Remove term: Singapore University of Social Science
- HFS351 Safety Management and Audit Assessment:Audit Plan, Checklist, Deliverables, and Nonconformity Report
- MTH105 Fundamentals of Mathematics Assignment: Mathematical Logic and Proof TechniquesSingapore University of Social Science
- BM0742 Business Law Assignment: Intellectual Property, Sale of Goods
- MLA604 Assessment: Maritime Operations Environmental Impact, Port of Rotterdam Strategy (MLA)