Posted on: 21st Sep 2022

Master of Education (Early Childhood) Report, NIEC, Singapore Choose one National and one State policy that is relevant to the operation of children`s services

Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is for you to become familiar with both State and National Policy and understand how policy impacts on teaching practice and the provision of quality children`s services It is expected that you will critically analyse two policies for the impact on practice and quality operations of early childhood centres. The assessment also aims for you to consider how as an Educational Leader you will plan for the professional development of staff around policy implementation.

Task Instructions: This assessment will consist of both a report and a professional development plan.

Report: Choose one National and one State policy that is relevant to the operation of children`s services e.g., multicultural or inclusion policies; Indigenous policies; health and safety; curricula etc.

You are to analyse both policies in terms of impact on the provision of a quality service. You should consider the following: the development of the policy – what lead to the policy?; what research supports the development of the policy? impact of policy implementation and ease in which they may be implemented (think critically about factors such geographic location e.g., remote, rural, region, peri-urban, metropolitan; socio-economics and; culture reflect on how the policies impact on the provision of a quality service and teaching practice.

Once you have analysed both polices, choose one relevant Quality Area from the National Quality Standards (NQS); one Learning Outcome from the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and one Practice Principle from the Victorian Early Years Learning Development Framework (VEYLDF) and highlight how your chosen policies impact on each of these.

Reflect and discuss the potential gaps in knowledge and skills of teachers in order to implement the policies. Be sure to support both your analysis and discussion with research evidence and literature.

Assessment Criteria:

Your work will be assessed according to the extent you: evaluate the role of national and state policy in the provision of quality children`s services demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for continued professional learning and implications for improved student learning show an understanding of the impact of policy on the teaching practices and operations of early childhood settings.

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