Posted on: 17th Mar 2025

HFSY217 ECA: Emergency Preparedness & Response Planning for Kenny Chemical Logistics


1. This End-of-Course Assessment paper comprises 6 pages (including the cover page).

2. You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of the ECA, SUSS PI No., Your Name, and Submission Date.

3. Late submission will be subjected to the marks deduction scheme. Please refer to the Student Handbook for details.

ECA Submission Guidelines

Please Read This Information before You Start Working on your ECA

This ECA carries 70% of the course marks and is a compulsory component. It is to be done individually and not collaboratively with other students.

You are to submit the ECA assignment in exactly the same manner as your tutor-marked assignments (TMA), i.e. using Canvas. Submission in any other manner like hardcopy or any other means will not be accepted.

Electronic transmission is not immediate. It is possible that the network traffic may be particularly heavy on the cut-off date and connections to the system cannot be guaranteed. Hence, you are advised to submit your assignment the day before the cutoff date in order to make sure that the submission is accepted and in good time.

Once you have submitted your ECA assignment, the status is displayed on the computer screen. You will only receive a successful assignment submission message if you had applied for the e-mail notification option.

ECA Marks Deduction Scheme

Please note the following:

a) Submission Cut-off Time – Unless otherwise advised, the cut-off time for ECA submission will be at 12:00 noon on the day of the deadline. All submission timings will be based on the time recorded by Canvas.

b) Start Time for Deduction – Students are given a grace period of 12hours. Hence calculation of late submissions of ECAs will begin at 00:00 hrs the following day (this applies even if it is a holiday or weekend) after the deadline.

c) How the Scheme Works – From 00:00 hrs the following day after the deadline, 10 marks will be deducted for each 24-hour block. Submissions that are subject to more than 50 marks deduction will be assigned zero marks. For examples on how the scheme works, please refer to Section 5.2 Para 1.7.3 of the Student Handbook.

Question 1

This end-of-course project aims to gauge your ability to (1) apply the emergency management principles and concepts to lead workplace emergency planning; (2) examine the degree and extent of planning required given the workplace hazards and environment; (3) analyse the response strategy and examine the capacity building requirements in terms of resources and training needs; and (4) illustrate the desired outcomes of an effective emergency preparedness and response planning with the development of the enterprise emergency response plan in accordance to the
requirements of the authority in the designated workplace.

The designated premises is Kenny Chemical Logistics (KCL), a chemical blending, distribution and warehousing facility located in Tuas Industrial Estate. KCL occupies a 1-hectare land, comprises an open yard capable of housing 240 ISO-tank containers, and a 6-storey warehouse building with level 1 used for chemical blending and breakbulk re-packaging, and level 2 to 6 used for stowage of chemicals in drums and intermediate bulk container (IBC) tote-tanks.

As the operation director, you are the appointed chairman of the workplace safety and health (WSH) committee. The top management tasked the WSH Committee to oversee the build-up of the enterprise’s emergency preparedness. In this assessment, you are to report how the enterprise’s WSH Committee and emergency planning team are organized, how potential hazard-scenarios in the enterprise are determined as well as how the required resources and competencies of the enterprise’s company emergency response team (CERT) are established. Explain how the required enterprise’s emergency response plan (Premises-ERP) is formulated and demonstrate your understanding of the emergency preparedness and response planning approach by doing the following:

(a) Examine how the enterprise’s WSH committee and emergency planning teams should be organized, comprising representatives from within the entire
workplace, including associated tenant/occupiers and their respective business operations.

(b) Describe and discuss the associated business activities within the designated enterprise and identify the potential hazard-scenarios that may pose a threat to life safety and property.

(c) Examine the required evacuation and intervention strategies for the designated enterprise. Use SCDF’s National CERT Standard and Guidelines to analyze the enterprise’s tier-level, required CERT’s competencies, equipping, and training. This should include the enterprise’s incident management team (IMT), company emergency response team (CERT), evacuation warden team (EWT), in-place protection team (IPPT), emergency assembly area team (EAAT), traffic warden team (TWT), and recovery management team (RMT).

(d) Describe how the Premises-ERP is formulated and develop the Premises-ERP for the selected work-enterprise (as a separate canvas-submission) using the format and guidelines stipulated by the SCDF (with site layout plan, schematic drawing, etc.).

Your main report shall be kept at a maximum of 3000 ± 300 words (excluding the Executive Summary, Tables and Figures, References, Attachment, anAppendixes). Too few words mean you are unable to do your topic justice; too many words mean you have not been discerning enough in your selection of materials or written succinctly enough.

The ECA-Report shall be provided with appropriate referencing style and in-text citation with:

Important Note 1: ECA-Report and Premises-ERP are to be submitted in a
separate canvas-submission. You are to submit your ECA-report (3000 ± 300 words) in the designated canvas-submission link. The Premises-ERP (SCDF-format, no wordcount requirement) is to be submitted in another designated canvas-link.

Important Note 2: ECA-Report with similarity index exceeding 20% will be
flagged for plagiarism review. Ensure you proofread your report. Marks will be
deducted for poorly written report fraught with spelling and grammatical errors and poor sentence structure.

Important Note 3: While Wikipedia is a useful platform to gather quick information about a topic, it remains an open source of information that can be edited by anyone. In view that the content is not vetted through traditional publishing methods, the information and citations must be treated carefully. We do not encourage you to cite Wikipedia articles as a source of reference, nevertheless you may refer to the reference section of a Wikipedia article for in-depth, reliable, and authoritative information.

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